Chapter 21 // Perfect Family

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"How does it feel to be a Dad Ethan?" I asked with a smile, stroking my daughters hair as she was bundled up in a blanket in my arms, her blue/green orbs staring intently at the television screen.

"She's one month... in just happy and excited for when she grows up! God I hope she likes video games..." Ethan muttered the last part, his hand holding his jaw while his elbow rested on his knee.

One of my hands slid from under our baby girl and gripped Ethan's shoulder.

"Babe... it's fine. I know she's a mummy's girl but you will get time with her, you will bond over something." I reassured him.

He sent a smile my way as my phone started to ring.

He jumped a bit and took the phone from the coffee table infront of us.

"I'll answer it." Before I could even protest the rectangular device was already to his ear.


"Yep Y/n's here she's just holding the baby."

"Work? Now?"

"Oh okay I'll be sure to inform her."

"Okay have a good night!"

Ethan ended the phone call and put the phone on my lap.

"It was your boss, Linda. She wants you to go into work now. She needs someone in because another worker has been sick." He spoke sadly.

A frown etched onto my face as I handed the little bundle in my arms to Ethan and pecked him and her on the cheek.

"I'll guess I'll go get ready... I love you baby." I waved him off as I trotted up the stairs to throw my work clothes on.


"Goodnight! I'll be back later okay? I love you both" Y/n blew a kiss at Ethan as she exited the house.

Ethan sighed as the door closed and looked down at his beautiful child.

She had tuffs of H/C hair that was slightly darker than her mothers due to Ethan's natural darkish brown hair.

Her eyes were wide and full of joy, she had gracious long eyelashes, especially for a 1 month old.

Her cheeks were cute, cubby and pink.

She smiled down at her and she looked up at him.

As in queue she started to wail, probably missing her mother.

He looked up at the clock on the wall over the TV realising that it was around 7:30.

"Time to go to bed little one." He whispered, the wailing still happening.

He rocked her all the way up the stairs until her reached their bedroom where their little girls cot was.

The cot was fairly big because Ethan, being the very considerate father he is, went all out.

He placed her on the plush blanket and draped another on top of her, sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to calm down.

After about 5 minutes or so the little baby Nestor still hadn't fallen asleep.

She still sounded distressed so Ethan was pacing the room, racking his brain for thoughts.

That's when an idea popped into his head.

Ethan slowly stepped over the bars of the crib and kneeled down next to his daughter.

Slowly but surely he lied down and cradled her in his arms as he lay on his side.

He started to gently sing,

"Your are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey..."

He didn't even get to finish the song before she had fallen asleep, snoring very very softly.

Ethan yawned silently as possible, careful not to wake her.

His eyes started to flicker closed and the last thing he muttered before falling into a well-deserved slumber was,

"Goodnight, sweet princess."

10:34 Pm

Y/n had just arrived home from work.

"Ethan? Ethannnn!" She shouted from downstairs, popping her head into the living room, kitchen, and downstairs bathroom.

Slapping her cheek softly as a way of scolding herself, Y/n made her way upstairs remembering that Ethan probably was recording.

She quietly tiptoed to the recording room door and opened it slowly, trying to avoid making too much background noise.

She scanned the dark room seeing no sign of Ethan or hearing him at all.

Confusion etched itself onto her face, wondering where her husband had gone.

She checked the bathroom, spare room, storage room because you can never be sure and lastly the bedroom where she flicked on the lights to find him in the quite large cot with their little girl.

A huge smile replaced the confusion and she awed quietly to herself, digging her hand into her trouser pockets, taking her phone and snapping a quick picture for snapchat, not forgetting to save it to her camera roll as this was too precious.

"Came home from an unexpected shift to see this. Oh how I knew she would get used to alone time with dad at some point :)" The caption read.

She smiled wider, if that was even possible, knowing that all Ethan's fans love the baby and will love the picture.

Y/n put her phone down on the bedside table and started to shake Ethan awake.

"Ethan... Ethan baby? Get in bed honey you must be very uncomfortable." She gently spoke as his eyes started to flutter open.

He smiled at her and she returned it.

He looked down at their heavily loved daughter and sighed.

"I didn't even realise I fell asleep in here, I guess all those sleepless nights really caught up didn't they?"

Y/n nodded and helped guide him out of the cot and into the bed.

They were too exhausted to change into pyjamas or anything like that so they just slipped into the cool covers and spooned.

"Your a great dad you know that right?"

Ethan's eyes widened.

"I am?"

Y/n turned in Ethan's arms to face him.

"Don't doubt it for a second babe, you've done a great job."

He smiled shyly at her.

"Thank you."



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