Chapter 17 // Fanfic Fantasy

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"Y/N~" You heard Ethan's voice call from the recording room, his voice came off cheeky and you knew something was up.

You cautiously walked into the recording room standing infront of him with your arms crossed.

"Hm?" You hummed a bit harshly, tapping your foot impatiently on the floor.

"Can I ask you a serious question?~" he asked, followed by a bunch of giggles.

"Okay, nope, definitely no. Nothing's serious when you giggle Ethan, I'm leaving this establishment.." you held your hands up in defence and backed away out the door.

"No no no no Y/n baby come back here please I just need to ask one thing okay?" He pleaded with a pout.

I couldn't resist so I sighed and walked over to stand right infront of him again.

He smirked and started furiously typing on his phone. After a few moments he muttered a quiet 'aha!' and turned the electronic towards my face.

"Is this you?" He questioned sweetly, sounding like a little child.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I read over the bio of my old Wattpad account.

"Shit." Was all I cursed under my breath.

"So that is~ you huh?" He pondered with a sly little grin.

"!" I stammered.

"Mhmmmm" he hummed.

"Why does the owner of the account state, in fancy font I may add, Y/N M/N L/N? And! In this very bio, it's informs you like Fall Out Boy, Gorillaz and Pewdiepie, all of which I KNEW you were obsessed with before you even met me." He informs with a devilish grin plastered on his face.

My mouth was wide in shock, words couldn't even form. He just mashed my brain!

"Let's read some!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"NO!" I scream out, trying to forcefully yank the phone from his hands, but he successfully springs into action and spins his gaming chair the opposite way so I crash into the back of it.

"Ohhh! Pewdiepie x reader smut?! Y/N L/N you naughty girl!" He teases, completely ignoring my 'ow's' and screams to stop.

"Blah blah blah, let's skip the the juicy shit!" He laughs.

I, yet again, don't give up and I kept trying to pull the phone from his grasp.

Alas, he started to read as I dropped to my knees, re-thinking my life choices.

"I sat there, shivering with pleasure as he ran his cold fingers up my thigh.." he read in a dramatic voice, trying to cover up his laughing from emerging.

"I was in pure bliss as the bony fingers made there way up my skirt and looped around my lacy panties..." I was, at this point, a shrivelled up little embarrassed bean on the floor.

"He yanked them down forcefully, causing a loud and unexpected moan to be let out of my throat. His hand slowly made its way back up to touch the insides of my thighs then continued onto my c-" the phone was yanked from his hand and I ran with it, into our bedroom and locked the door.

Ethan banged constantly on the door laughing.

"Y/N pleeeeeease! I'm sooooooorry!" He wined.

"Nope!" I called back, popping the p and continuing to delete all history of the Wattpad account off his phone.

"Come onnnnnnn!"

"Give it a rest Ethan!"

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