chapter 38

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* Mayson's pov*

Pete:"Now I will have some alcohol!" *Everybody laughed and pulled out alcohol and partied* Me: "Let's not get to hammered. Or else we won't have a ride home" *Pete laughed and stumbled over to me* Pete: "Mayson, Mayson! Guess you!" *I smelled the alcohol in his breath and laughed* Patrick: "Come on Mayson have some" *Patrick handed me a bottle and I drank* ~Me:" Screw it! I should have some fun in my life"~ *Criss paced in the room* Criss:" Please William. It will be easy to control them if their drunk! Drunks are easier to mess with" *William held his hand up to quiet him* William:" No. Not now" Criss:" Please" *He started begging* William:" Criss, no means no!" *Criss rolled his eyes and left the room*

* Shay's pov*

Shay: " hay Mayson, it's ok I can't drink anyway because of the baby so you guys are getting home by me." Mayson: " ok." * Mason took a drink and started acting loose and having fun and partying* ~ it sucks I can't drink because I'm preggers but everyone is having a good time~ * I went over to kiss Patrick, I can already smell the alcohol on em before I got to him, he is so cute drunk* Joe: " is Jeremy ever coming back so we can party with us?" Morgan: " I don't know, let me go check up on him and see if he's OK, and see if he wants to come party with us." Everyone: " k." * Morgan went to the basement to check up on Jeremy*

* Mayson's pov*

*Morgan and Jeremy came up and we kept partying* Pete:"I haven't had this much fun in awhile" *I was getting drunk and stumbled over to him* Me:"Me either! It's funny because I'm to young to drink" *Me and Pete laughed and fell onto the couch* Shay:"You guys are going to be so hung over in the morning" Pete:"pssh it's fine" Patrick:"I'll try not to get to drunk" *Shay laughed and kissed him again* Shay:"No it's ok have fun" *I started feeling nausea and I walked outside to get sick* ~Me:"Ugh"~ *I started getting sick and Pete came out and pulled my hair back* Pete:"Welcome to the your first drunk experience" *I laughed and stopped getting sick and Pete stumble inside* *Criss jumped down from a tree and came over to me* Criss:"Hey darling" *He leaned in to kiss me and I backed up* Me:"No...Criss not now" Criss:"But I miss you" Me:"Pe-" *He covered my mouth* Criss:"He is partying he doesn't care" *I got out of Criss's hold* Me:"Leave us alone" Criss:"As you wish" *He kissed me and disappeared*

* Shay's pov*

Shay: " is Mayson.ok?" Pete: " yeah?" Patrick: " do you smell that?" Shay: " yeah, it's Mayson!" * Pete ran outside to see Mayson* Pete: " are you ok? What happened? Why do i smell Criss?" Mayson: " he was here." Pete: " why was he here? Did he say or do something to you?" Mayson: " i don't know why is here, he said he missed me, he kissed me and disapeared, I tried calling your name but he covered my mouth." Pete: " WHAT!? did you let him kiss you?" Mayson: " no!" Pete: " ok." Mayson: " let's just go back inside and party some more." Pete: " fine." * Pete and Mayson came back inside* Shay: " i heard it all, but it's ok, lets just party." Mayson: " where you eavesdropping?" Shay: " yes, but my ears are super keen so I could even hear you guys if you were whispering." Pete: " k, but next time don't listen please." Shay: " fine." * everyone started partying again. It got very late and we decided to head home* *Patrick had the keys and stumbled to the car* Shay:"No you aren't driving" *Shay took the keys out of his hand and got in the driver seat* Patrick:"I can drive" Shay:"No you can't" *Shay turned the radio on and Joe started singing loudly* *We all laughed and Shay threw back a blanket* Andy:"Yeah!" Shay:"No, that's for Pete and Mayson. The sun will be up soon" *Andy sighed and threw it at us and Pete covered me and him* Me:"Night Petey" *I hiccuped and cuddled next to him then fell asleep* Shay:"She is going to have a horrible hangover tomorrow" *Patrick laughed and started dosing off*

* Shay's pov*

Shay: " ok, let's go." *i turned the car and started driving us home, by this time the sun came up and we were in the drive way* Shay: " we're home." * i looked around the car and  everyone was sleep, i woke everyone up and we all got out of the car, Mayson and Pete went to bed, so did Andy and Joe* Patrick: " let's sleep on the couch again." Shay: " ok." * i cuddled with patrick till we both fell asleep*

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