chapter 39

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*mayson's POV*

*Pete tried wrapping his arm around me but I pushed his arm off* Me:"Stay off me Wentz!" *We arrived back at the hideout and I ran upstairs into me and Pete's room and locked the door* Shay:"What's wrong with her?" *Pete sighed* Pete:"She got upset because she saw me dancing with some girl then she threw this at me" *He pulled out the engagement ring* Patrick:"I'm sure she will come to her senses in the morning. She is still probably a little hungover" Pete:"I hope your right" *Pete went up to the roof and held our rings in his hand* Pete:"Screw this! I knew we weren't ready yet! She is just to young!" *He threw the rings in the distance and sighed* Criss:"Watch where your throwing these your going to hurt someone" *Pete jumped back and hissed at Criss* Criss:"Calm down I'm not here to cause trouble" Pete:"Yea right!" *He gave Pete the rings* Criss:"Want her back?" Pete:"Yea but you're just going to mess with her!" Criss:"No I won't!" *He looked serious so Pete nodded and they walked into the house and to my room* *Criss broke the lock and saw I was sleeping* Criss:"She is beautiful" Pete:"Just get this over with!" *Criss rolled his eyes and got close to me* Criss:"Mayson, listen to me. What happened tonight is going to be all a blur when you wake up. You won't remember any of it. Got that?" *I nodded in my sleep* Criss:"Good girl" *He said kissing my forehead and told Pete to put the ring back on* Pete:"Why are you helping me?" Criss:"I guess it's just a way of saying thanks for letting me stick around to see her even though you hate me with a passion" Pete:"Well you mostly just kidnap her" Criss:"Don't push it just be happy I helped!" Pete:"Are you going to leave her alone now?" *Criss smirked* Criss:"Of course not"

*Morgan's POV*

* we got back to our apartment back in Canada, thank goodness for magic mirrors lol. We walk into our apartment and it's the same way as I left it; neat and spotless.* Morgan: "ahhh!!! It's relaxing to come into home that is spotless and neat." *takes off shoes and places them by the door. Then leaps to the couch and relax* Jeremy: * looks at Morgan sitting  on the couch relaxing. He takes off his shirt and shoes, leaving nothing but his blue jeans on and walks upstairs to bed.* Morgan: *sees Jeremy walking upstairs to bed and yells.* "Goodnight babe, love you!!" ~hmm , I wonder if everything is okay with him. We had a good time at the club and Andy didn't really bother is that much even though the awkward stares kinda creeped me out a bit. I guess I'll ask him when he gets up in the morning on his way to pick up David and Kevin.~ * I get up from the couch and go to the fridge and get a homemade beer. A moment later, Jeremy comes back downstairs with an upset but sexy  look on his face.*  Jeremy: *. Grabs the drink out of my hand and places on the countertop. He then grabs me by the arm and pulls me close to his chest.* ~ ugh, I really can't stand that bastard but if he's trying to win my girl back, I'll make sure that it won't happen. He better be glad that I was in a good mood tonight or else it would be hell but I didn't appreciate the stares that he gave us especially how he looked at her on the dance floor.~ " babe, do you still have feelings for Andy? Do you still have the desire to be with him?". Morgan: * looks at Jeremy with a shocked expression* ~ oh gosh here we go.. Just my luck and all I wanted was a nice, quiet evening/morning when I got home.~ * sighs* " Jeremy, how long are you going to keep staying mad at him? You know very well that I'm happy with you and that I'm crazy in love with you. Now let go of me. * I tired to get  rid from being in his clutches but he just kept squeezing my arm tighter.* " Jeremy, let go this hurts!" * the more I struggled, the more he looked at me with his sexy look in his eyes.* Jeremy: ~hmmm....~ * loosens up his grip on Morgans arm* " okay but first..." * leans in and kisses her passionately. Making her fall down to her knees* " I don't believe you when you say that and I won't believe it when I ask him either but tonight I'm going to put it to the test by making you forget everything about him including his very existence into your life".

* Shay's POV*

The morning after the club was kind of a doozy I mean I forgot what has happened. I do remember and mayson having trouble. shay: * sneaks out of her bed to knock on Mayson and Pete's door* " hello? anybody in there?" ~ they must be sleep or something I'll come back later~ *walks downstairs to make breakfast, Pete comes downstairs* ~ oh boy, whatever happened last night must have been really bad~ * Pete wakes up* Pete: "morning " shay: "morning." shay:" are you and mayson OK?" Pete: " you don't remember?" shay: " nope." Pete: "oh, well, long story short Mason is pissed at me but now she's not, i got her back." shay: " wow, do you want breakfast ?" Pete: " oh yeah, I'm really hungry right now ." shay: "k." * goes to the kitchen to make breakfast then Patrick comes downstairs* Patrick: " smells good." shay: " thanks." * makes everybody plate* shay: " so what do you guys wanna do today?" Patrick: " I don't know how about let's check up on Morgan." shay: "good idea." *mayson comes downstairs * shay: " hay." mayson: " hay." *mayson goes over to kiss Pete* shay: " I'm glad that you guys are ok." Pete: " yep."

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