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I don't like people.

I do have a reason for my previous statement. First let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Erin Dremler I'm 17. I attend Anderson Highschool and I find people, I'll just say...unbearable.

My reasons for this are simple people are just intolerable. Either someone is asking for a piece of gum when I just opened a new pack, or sitting too close to me when there are obviously more seats in the proximity

I love my friends and family and would do anything for them. But they also annoy me to no end.

My friend group is small and consists of two other people than myself.

My friend Julian who I've know since first grade is one of the best friends a girl could ask for. He is what most people would call the epidimy of handsome. He is lightskin with light purple eyes and curly dark brown hair. He has a sharp jawline and small ears. He plays football and has a body that I've heard many girls call, drool worthy.

My friend Anastasia I've know since sixth grade is compassionate, friendly and loyal. She has dark brown hair and likes to wear it in an afro and has a very clear milk chocolate type completion. She has a round face with small dimples. She also plays soccer for the school and she is beautiful, fit and has a boyfriend who's name is Brian,Brett,or maybe Eduardo I never cared to learn it.

To describe myself I'm am short, lightskin, and curvy.  I have dark curly, brown hair that ends a few inches past my shoulders. I have an ovam shaped face and two beauty marks on either side of my face. I have deep cheek and chin dimples along with light freckles under my eyes. I play volleyball and love it. I love the rush I get when I play my favorite game.

Me and my friends couldn't be more different I am more of a tomboy and love sarcasm. Alex is not a girly girl but she's close to it, and she doesn't particularly understand sarcasm,but I wouldn't change her for the world. Julian is a gentleman and doesn't use sarcasm but can relate when I do. I prefer wearing black and white. Alex loves bright colors and has great style . Julian dresses nicely and comes to school with freshly ironed clothes and has the best shoe collection I've ever seen.

I live with my parents in a nice home in the what some people would call the bad part of town. I am used to it and it's not as bad as people think.

I get my looks from my mother. She is beautiful ,but a bit lighter than me. She is short and has long hair, my mom also has long hair that I inherited I also got her beauty marks and smile. My dad is tall and has a goatee and I inherited my dimples and nose from him and also his sarcasm.

I have a normal life, that I love. In no way was I ready for that to change.

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