chapter 2

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Practice was actually tolerable today we didn't have to do much just some regular workouts and scrimmaging. As practice ended I was walking towards the locker room when someone walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. It was my teammate Abby, I looked at her expectantly "coach wants to talk to you" I nodded and walked toward were coach was she looked at me with a serious look on her face "Erin I want you to be co captain" my face lit up "Coach are you serious."

"Yes you have shown a lot of improvement and I'm proud of you"

"Thank you coach you won't regret it"

She laughed,"I hope not"

I smiled then walked away.

I quickly took a shower in the locker room and left to the football field to wait till Jewl finished up his practice. He said he would give me a ride home. I watched patiently as they were running some last minute plays. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and I whipped around to meet a familiar pair of light green eyes. I let out a breath of relief and turned around."You really shouldn't sneak up behind people it's very creepy."

Apparently he took that as a welcome to come sit right beside me, now this was outrageous. We are in the bleachers that no one else is occupying but us and Lil ol me has to be graced with this guy's presence.

I looked over " Tell me your name so I can know you by something other than Mr. Sits Too Close/stalker."

He laughed, "I like you your funny, and I'm not here to stalk you ,Im here to pick up my brother from practice." I made an O face.

He stood up and started to walk away when and I yelled out " You never told me your name."

He turned around "My names Nick m",then he tossed another wink my way I thought to myself "What is with this guy and winking."

Practice was over now and I was walking to Jewl's car with him and as I suspected he looked at me and said in the most childish voice ever "Erin's got a boyfriend, Erin's got a boyfriend"

I shoved him and he made a fake sad face " Why are you so abusive I thought you loved me," He dramatically put a hand on his forehead and couldn't help but to laugh.

While we drove back to my house we listened to classic rock the whole way there I wasn't complaining though. We were in the middle of Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses when we pulled up to my house. I hopped out and he rolled down the window" I'll be back in twenty" then he drove away.

I unlocked the door to my house and locked it back once I was inside. I walked up to my room to change clothes. I got out of my clothes and looked in my closet for something to wear. I picked out some black shorts and a purple long-sleeved shirt. I texted jewl fifteen minutes later asked if he was near my house.

He sent a short reply 'I'm outside'

I picked up my bag and went to his car. He had change out of his gym cloths and was wearing a simple white t-shirt and black joggers.

I hopped into the car and was about to start a conversation right when he got a call. I started to get bored so I occupied myself by looking out the window and making faces at the people in the cars we passed. I stuck my tongue out at an old man, surprisingly he did it back.

I then looked out the window and continued to make faces at people and got weird looks and chuckled to myself everytime. (Yea I know I'm immature get over it).

We pulled up to Alex's House and got out the car, we walked up to her door knocked on it and in a matter of seconds she was there with a big smile telling us to come in. Julian plopped down on her couch immediately after we walked in and I went straight to the refrigerator.

I searched through her shelves and decided to take some grapes. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jewl getting comfortable. Alex sat on my left and turned on Netflix. She got up suddenly "I almost forgot I have something for you guys." Me and Jewl watched her run up the stairs to come back with two small boxed in her hands.

She sat down excitedly and handed us the boxes " Here I got you guys a present" she was almost jumping up and down. I put a hand on her shoulder " Chill girl,chill."

I slowly opened to box to find a Elmo necklace that said 'Your my very best friend'.

I slowly looked up and said tearfully "This is one of the most beautiful gifts I've ever received".

She looked at me"really."

I nodded " Even though it will probably turn my skin green, I love it."

She laughed and turned to Jewl's who hadn't opened his yet and looked at him expectantly. He slowly opened his gift and started to laugh I looked over and began to laugh too. It was poop emoji cufflinks. He thanked her and we did one of those weird group hugs. We all sat back down and watched Netflix we watched two movies that night the first on was Jonny English :Reborn( by the way that is hilarious) and then we watched Spy Hard which is funny too.

Me and Jewl agreed after the second movie it was time for us to leave. We said goodbye and left. He drove me home and I can honestly say I was throughly exhausted.

I took off my other clothes took a shower and changed into my pajamas. A pink shirt and white lacey shorts. I was so tired right as my head hit the pillow I drifted of into peaceful sleep.

Sorry that was so short
More updates soon✌

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