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Everyone in this world is born with heterochromia and there are no exceptions. Whether you are part of authority or a rich person, you can't escape it and won't go back to normal until you meet your soulmate.

Heterochromia is a condition where your eyes are not the same color, whether your right eye and left eye are different colors or half your iris is another color. It only goes back to normal once you meet your soulmate, which you will grow old with. If your eyes go back to normal after meeting a person but goes back to being multicolored, then that means that that person wasn't the right person for you to grow old with.

But once you meet your soulmate, whether randomly, your eyes will meet theirs and you will recognize your own eyes staring back at you. Then you will hold your gaze at their eyes until both you and your soulmate's eyes start to magically return to their original color. And that is how you know, you have found that one person that you will spend the rest of your life with until you grow old with them. Until death do you part.

And you will become attached to them and will always want to be with them, people will understand since it's definitely normal that you don't want to lose that person and will want to know more about them to make them happy while growing old with them. And you will want them to enjoy their lives with you.

Dan Howell is not an exception to this condition. Dan is an eight year old boy born with heterochromia, which he continues to question everyday. Why does he have weird eyes that have different colors if his parents don't? But everytime he asks his parents, they just answer him with a smile

"Honey, it's because you haven't met the one yet."

"But how am I supposed to meet them if I don't even know what they look like?" Dan asks his mother with a confused look.

His mother just laughs at him, looks him in his muddy brown and sky blue eyes and replies

"Oh honey, you'll find out when you're older. You won't understand when you're at this age"

And she ruffles Dan's chocolate brown hair and walks to the kitchen to make dinner. Dan never really understood what his mother meant by that because she never really answered his question properly. And with that, he just walks back to his room and plays with his Tamagotchi.

Phil Lester isn't any different from Dan, except for his age. Which is 12. He also questions why his eyes are this way and asks his parents if he was born with it.

Of course, his parents always answer with a yes. Which leaves him confused and think maybe his parents eyes mixed up and formed his. But that's impossible since his eyes are only two colors and his parents would have different colored eyes because of their parents too, so no.

He sees people with eyes like his, those people are mostly young or alone. And he gets curious about them but sometimes he just doesn't care 'cause he can't do anything about his eyes and they'll probably stay like this. You never know.


I also edited this so it's probably longer than before... yeahhhh!

Hey guys! If you're reading this right now, then thanks alot! I was just bored and searched up some AU's bc I can't do anything right lmao (I'll probably mess this book up or something lmao XD) yeah! And this book might have slow updates since Christmas break is over and I have to go to school tomorrow ugh fml! And yeahhh I hope you liked the prologue. I didn't put much effort into it (but it turned out good, I guess lmao) though because I'm sleepy af and my brain works better at this state lmao. It would probably work the best when I'm drunk. Jk jk XD so yeahhhh idk how to end these bc I'm so fucking (sorry I love swearing) awkward and I can barely type properly 'cause it's so effing cold here and my hands are freezing and I'm in a burrito blanket and it's still cold rip XD ok byeeee I hope you like my story! And this book has intentionally short chapters lmao (or maybe I'm just lazy)

Updated: January 2, 2017 (I'm from Asia soooo... timezone shit lmao)

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