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A/N: hey, sorry for not updating for so long. School just loves to kick my ass.

I almost wrote "Luke's POV" wtf XD

Dan's POV

Our French teacher walked in. She smiled at us and spoke to us in English. Thank God she wasn't a stereotypical French teacher because I will rip my head off if she keeps speaking French to us. Ok, maybe that was too brutal but those kinds of teachers are annoying, honestly.

She told us her name

"Good morning class, my name is Mariefrance Smith! But you can call me Ms. Smith."

She sure loves to smile doesn't she? She's pretty cheery and talkative. And of course, she told us to introduce ourselves to the front one by one and asked our nicknames to make us feel comfortable. She's really, really nice, isn't she? I think Ms. Smith is gonna be my favorite teacher for the rest of the school year! Unless there's a better teacher, then Ms. Smith can be a close second.

Unlike Mr. Hemmings, Ms. Smith only talked to us and told us stories. Her reason was because it was our first day so why not lighten up instead of doing schoolwork? I really like her already! She's literally the epitome of awesome!

After telling us probably hundreds of wonderful stories about her experiences, we were all amazed. Because wow! Her adventures are adventures of a lifetime, and her near-death experience got me all fucking shook. Her stories are amazing! She even gave us the chance to tell our stories, any story really. And she was cool with swearing and all that shit! She's so fucking cool that I have officially lost my ability to even!

After all of that, here goes recess. We only have 20 minutes for recess and that's definitely not enough for my blackhole of a stomach!

"What are you guys gonna eat?" I asked them.

"Food, obviously." PJ half jokingly half sassily answered. I pretended to be hurt and dramatically clutched my chest while they laughed at me like it was the most hilarious thing they've witnessed. What the hell.

"Um, I brought some food. Want some?" Cat told us. Oh my god. SHE BROUGHT PIZZA. LITERAL FUCKING PIZZA. OH MY GOD I WANT TO DEVOUR ALL OF IT, but I have to share, and the pizza isn't even mine so I can't devour it. Dammit, so close!

The pizza had 8 slices so there's 2 for the each of us. The pizza was heaven, I want more but we already finished all of it.

"Who made that pizza? I love it!" Lou asked

"I did, and thank you. I thought it would taste terrible actually." Cat replied. Lou jokingly scrunched her face up and made a gagging noise.

"I think the pizza's poisoned, I have to puke." Cat acted offended and made an exaggerated gasp while all of us continued to laugh our asses off. Wow, we were really happy, weren't we? But I have a feeling that this wouldn't last long... especially when we were the only ones here and neithee of us realized that the bell rang about 2 minutes ago.

Everyone hurried to get up and run to our class because we were ALL in the same class. And that class was the most dreaded class of them all. Yep, you guessed it. Math!

We ran to our class and opened the door and everyone looked at us like we were some kind of important thing. The teacher was disappointed about our tardiness and asked us why.

"Ummm, we had too much fun in recess?" I answered for them but it came out as a question and I mentally face-palmed for being so stupid.

"Recess is for eating, not having fun. Now take those spare seats in the back, keep quiet and listen to the lesson." We glared at her when she wasn't looking. Ugh rude! I already hate her, besides the fact that she teaches Math, she sucks. She didn't tell us her name though but whatever.

After Math class, fucking finally, because an hour in that classroom was fucking torture! I didn't even understand a thing she said for fuck's sake.

But that's okay, next subject was English. Okay, I take that back, I wasn't with Peej in English. Ugh. But that's okay, I have Cat and Louise with me even though Cat and I aren't really that close. I mean, Cat's pizza is PERFECTION. OBVIOUSLY, I WANT MORE OF THE PIZZA. But that isn't a valid reason to befriend someone so I guess I'm also befriending her because I have no other friends? Yeah, that's it.

We went to our class in English. It was awkward while walking because neither of us could start a good topic to talk about. But then, I AM a quiet little shit so that made it even more awkward. Sorry Cat. Until we reached our class in English, there were three empty chairs but they were not next to each other. Cat dramatically reached her arms out to me and said

"Au revoir my friend, I will miss you" I laughed at her silliness. To be honest, she was a great friend to have. She'll always make you laugh no matter how damn problematic your mood is that day. Louise just walked to another empty seat still laughing at Cat.

I looked to my right and saw a boy with with curly dirty blonde hair wearing a blue sweater and a pair of black glasses. He looks adorable as fuck and I would definitely turn gay for him, hands down. But I already have Lou so nevermind, not that I don't like Lou. I mean, she's my soulmate!

He must've noticed me looking because he waved and said hi.

"Hi, my name's Ashton" I politely smiled at him.

"Hi, my name is... Dan" I awkwardly replied.

Then the most wonderful thing happened during this class. He giggled. He fucking giggled. Oh my god it was so adorable! But then I noticed his eyes were the same color, I guess he already met his soulmate.

"Congratulations!" He wore a confused face.

"Why?" I smiled at him.

"You already met your soulmate!" HE GIGGLED AGAIN. HIS GIGGLES ARE SO ADORABLE.

"And congratulations to you too!"

"Thank you mate"

Mate? Dan what the fuck was that? I mentally facepalmed because of that. But he sounds Aussie so I guess that's okay? I don't know. Class finally started and it took one hour for it to end. But it honestly felt like a century. When we got out of our classroom, I was walking next to Ashton and talking to him. Then suddenly, a boy with a quiff and a lip ring came up to him and hugged him. Awe it was so cute! It must be his soulmate!

"Lukey, meet Dan. Dan meet my boyfriend: Luke!" I smiled at them, oh my god I ship them.

"Hi Luke, nice to meet you!" He held a hand out and I shook it. It was nice to meet new people and get along. Suddenly, Cat tapped my shoulder with Louise tagging along.

"Hey Dan? We should get going. We need to look for PJ."

"Wait, I gotta say something." I turned to Luke and Ashton.

"Wanna hang out with us for lunch? It's only the four of us so I guess it's nice to have more company later!"

"Yeah sure" They agreed. New people, new friends. What a nice first day! Welp, better get going to my next class with Cat and Louise.


THAT WAS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER WRITTEN OH MY GOD ARE YOU PROUD OF ME? DAMN. Ok, I put a lot of references there, didn't I? Of course I put a lot because I'm a clever little shit :-) also, I SHIP LASHTON OHMYGOD (Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin from 5SOS) AND I AM SO SORRY FOR USING THEIR FETUS VERSIONS I CAN'T HELP IT. I MISS THEM. YAH. So, goodbye and I will see all you doods, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!! (i added another reference there oh my god i'm shameless) ok bye

-clarissa the multifandomed shit

UPDATED: February 12, 2017

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