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I wake tied to a chair. Rope restraints hold my arms and legs down in addition to a leather strap which keeps my head stuck to the chair. The simple rope could bend and release me at my will, but the only thing on my mind is getting back to my cell for a nap, so I decide to wait and see what Dr Mann has installed for me.

By the time Dr Mann arrives my wrists have been rubbed raw from my nervous struggles and blood trickles down my fingers landing on the now clean tiles. She hobbles over to me favouring her uninjured leg, and I can't help but feel a small sense of victory. A mischievous smile makes its way to my lips which is met with an angry glare from the doctor.

"You have caused us quite a load of trouble," she says once she has stopped in front of me. I chuckle but give no response.

"Good to see you have mastered water manipulation, we were beginning to worry you didn't have it in you to control matter other than solid," she continues and checks her clipboard, "I hope you don't mind, we are conducting another test on you after today's stunt."

"Getting tired of my company yet?" I say with a fake grin plastered on my face.

"Of course not, I find your struggle quite amusing," she says leaning toward me and makes the mistake of coming too close.

I jolt forward, smashing our foreheads together in the most unladylike manner. Dr Mann falls away, loudly groaning in pain as my head spins and an overwhelming need to throw up overcomes me. That hurt a lot more than I thought it would. I close my eyes, trying to ignore my new, pounding headache and let out an awkward laugh as Dr Mann massages her temples.

"Why on earth did you just do that?" She asks as she stares at me in confusion.

"I don't know, I saw it in a movie once..." I trail off but can't help laughing at my stupidity.

"Enough," she says, "Your childish actions are only making this harder on yourself," she adds and reaches into her pocket.

She fishes out a small cardboard box and holds it up into the light, so I am able to get a better look. A box of matches. That's her big, bag second test.

"Look luck controlling fire, its always been the hardest element for previous Tens to master," she laughs as she lights a match and places it up right in my lap. She gives me a quick nod of encouragement, turns on her heel and stalks out of the room, slamming the heavy duty door shut behind her.

"Wait, stop come back!" I shout, frozen in fear as the match that sits safely on my lap. One wrong move and I could go up in flame.

I slowly lean forward and gently blow on the match in an attempt to cease the flame, but it falls to the ground instead. I curse a little to loudly under my breath and strain forward to see where it landed, hoping that it had landed on the tiles and burnt out but pull away when the smell of burning rubber hits my nostrils.

Smoke begins to fill the room making my eyes water, but the only thing I can focus on is the heat starting to run up my leg. I watch as the flame makes it's way up my leg and sets my prison uniform alight, waking up my previously dormant abilities.

I then find the courage to glance down at my legs. My lower body is eaten up by the fire, but at the same, time it is not. I am able to see the outline of my legs, though the inferno and notice how the flames wrap themselves around my limbs, becoming one with my body. My blood boils with the added heat, and I feel my power rushing through my veins.

By the time my whole body has been eaten up by the fire, I have burnt off the restraints and am walking toward the door. The guards are in for a treat, but I don't make it much further as the moment I touch the door handle a siren begins to sound.

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