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I had never been to Canada, yet alone out of the United States. Canada was thought to be a simple place. There were many rumors about the country, whispers of a land where everyone was accepted, eccentric and human alike. Before I became one of them I feared the idea of both species living in harmony but I came to ignore the gossip both out of fear and disinterest. I had heard tales of Welders and reins controlling materials to build above unimaginable heights, Elementals controlling the weather to create the ideal conditions to grow crops unheard of in the region and Sages reading criminal minds in the courthouse in order to place those who deserve to be behind bars. I could never quite get my head around the fact that they had so much trust in Eccentric but even I know the tales aren't true. Stories made up by hopeful Eccentric and silent protestors. Canada is just as messed up and broken as America but behind the riots and economic breakdown of the city much like its counterpart is a place safe for those on the run. Peele Island. That's where we are headed.


After a quick shower and rest, we are on the road headed as far away from the facility as possible. I swing my heavy pack over my shoulder, trying to find comfort as the sleeping bags and various other supplies borrowed from the cabin dig into my now bony back. I was only at the facility for a few months but it was enough time to have a huge effect on my health both physically and mentally, I'm only now noticing it. I stared at the unfamiliar face in the mirror for what felt like hours after my shower, taking in the grey-green tinge of my skin and sharp angles of my once full body as Sydney continued to knock and shout from behind the door, wanting a chance at a shower before we leave. God, she's a pain the in the arse but there is no chance of leaving her now. She's the one who seemingly knows the way not that she has been any help. I glance down at the tourist map of Pennsylvania that I am having to make do with and sigh, realising it will be little help. The only useful thing I was able to get out of the paper is the fact that we are in some national forest quite close to the border it is going to take us days - weeks to get there on foot. Unless we can catch a ride.

Harley has been quite generous once we agreed to let him tag along on our journey, even if it did take some convincing through Tate. I watch Harley's back as he walks along in front of me with Eddie by his side, struggling to match his long strides as he chats away about some Australian sports team that Harley clearly has very little interest in. He nods and makes the occasional comment but I notice him on edge, nervously watching the tree line every few seconds. Not that I'm complaining. We need focused people taking up the front and the back of the group. I'm hoping Tate is doing the same.

I turn my head ever so slightly and spot Tate who wonders along at the back of the group, still sulking. I don't know what is wrong with him but it's starting to get on my nerves. I can't bring myself to jump into his mind to find out, not knowing where I will be taken or how to get out so I lean toward a subtler method. Something I can actually control.

Tate? I push the message toward him with little effort. All this practice is starting to prove useful. Tate glances up at me for a split second, then looks down at the ground again, disinterested.

Tate. Come on. What's wrong with you? I ask, falling back past Emmie and Sydney until I am walking beside him.

"Tate?" I say out loud this time, ignoring the audience who turn to look back at us. I give Sydney a quick glare, forcing her to look forward once again, giving us some privacy.

"Alright, I've had enough of this. What is your problem?" I moan, stopping to face him.

"You want to know what my problem is?" Tate growls, his outburst catching the attention of the others once again. "You know what, why don't I just show you?" He says, grabbing my arm.

"Tate-" I start but before I know it, I'm whisked away into his mind.

I see snippets of our escape. Clips of Tate's fire bursting through crowds, burning those who were unlucky enough to be standing in his way. This time is different to the others. This time I'm a bystander, watching memories go by. This time someone else is in control. I watch in horror as Tate throws balls of fire at guards who run toward me as I run toward the fence, oblivious to what is happening around me. They drop to the ground in pain as their hair burns and uniforms are charred away, revealing layers of blistering skin. It's the screams that get to Tate the most. I can sense his thoughts and feelings at the time, both of which are bursting with growing guilt. Tate's feelings of pain, regret, and remorse overwhelm me as I am thrown into memory after memory of his fights against the guards and other Eccentric. Fights where Tate did things he isn't proud of. All of which were for me. To save me.

I close my eyes, trying to block out the images but I know it will not change the fact I am so deep in his memories. I've seen enough. Had enough. I have to get out. I use all of my power to attempt to pull out of his mind as more battles go by, growing in speed. Suddenly, I am flung from his mind as quickly as I had entered and am thrown back into reality.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as I back away from Tate who stares at me with a blank face.

"You don't understand what I had to do." He sighs, "To save you."

"I didn't realise..." I trail off, glance away, wanting to look at anything but his troubled expression.

"While you were wondering around saving troubled teens and running ahead someone had to watch your back. Watch everyone's back."

"I'm sorry," I repeat and reach for his hand but Tate is in no mood for apologies. He pulls his hand away and continues walking, leaving me behind.

Classified Email - DAC

From: Dr. Mann

Subject: Captured fugitives - Successes

To: (DAC Board Members) (DAC Representatives)

Cc: Dr. Pacas, Abe Revant

We have good news and bad news. Multiple escaped Eccentric have been seized and prosecuted accordingly. The majority have been taken back to the facility for further testing although there has been the exception of a few cases of brutality toward those who did not act accordingly, resulting in the deaths of some fugitives. This is not ideal but it has been considered necessary in most cases.

Along with this, a classified source has provided us with some information regarding the location of Layla Frey and multiple high ranked Eccentric as well as an unidentified acquaintance. It may not be precise but we are one step closer to finding the group which would prove to be a successful first if we are able to do so in the first 48 hours of the escape.

Hope all is well, thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Dr. Linda Mann

Head Lab Technician

Department of Apoptosis Classification

t: +67 7 9824 2109

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