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Slendy poised a black tentacle over the pin point of Zalgo's heart before stabbing it in, sending more of Zalgo's blood flying across the wall as he pulled out Zalgo's still beating heart.

I cackled even louder and madder than before, sneering:"At least I have a heart to love (y/n) with..." Zalgo's eyes hazed over, his body giving one last little convulse before his lifeless body went limp, dropping at my feet.

I dropped down to my knees over his dead body and started to carve a frown from the corners of his blood covered mouth, sniggers escaping my mouth as I traced the cut marks over and over again until I could see the sheer white of his cheekbones.

"Jeff child... We need to go..." Slender urged from behind me, making me whip around. "HEHASN'TSUFFEREDENOUGH!!!" I roared. "He's dead now! ...Listen child... we need to go now.."

"But-! ...Alright... As long as this shit hole can burn..."I growled, walking over to the black wall and grabbing the crackling, fiery torch and tossing it to the ground, watching the flames lick up the room along with Zalgo's body.

"...Let go then..." I breathed, walking slowly through the hallway now surrounded by  glowing orange ash that flickered in midair. All the rooms were now on fire as I reached the end of the hallway where Slendy was waiting.

Slendy wrapped a tentacle around my arm as I turned around to look at the hallway covered in glowing ash until we teleported back to the asylum in a chorus of static that pierced my ears. The lights flickered at our arrival, dimming down to darkness. "Slendy...! If that's you I swear I'll-"

"It's not me Jeff child..." Slendy said, staying quiet as a familiar low chuckle echoed through the dark asylum walls, my unblinking gaze narrowing slightly. Then an all-too familiar scream came from the east wing of the asylum.

My gaze widened, tearing towards the direction of the scream, Slendy running after me as I slammed the rusting white door of the east wing open.

"(Y/N)!!!" I bellowed, my gaze widening even further as I saw who was holding her from behind, a small scalpel blade pressed against her (s/t) throat.

"...Nice to see you again... JEFF..."

Normal P.O.V
Jeff burst through the rusting white door, roaring your name as he slammed it open. You looked up hazily, your eyes filling up with hope as you caught sight of his crimson stained clothes and raven black hair.

"Jeff!" You called out, wincing as E.J pressed his scalpel against your throat painfully. You glanced over at Jeff who was glaring into E.J's empty, bleeding sockets. "What are you doing with (y/n)... TRAITOR?" He growled, his fist clenching around his blood coated knife even tighter, not breaking his stare with E.J.

"...Nothing much... Just...MAIMING her a bit...!" E.J chuckled in response, pressing the scalpel further until a thin trickle of your crimson blood ran down the side of your neck and across your collarbone, making you gasp in pain.

It was enough for Jeff to loose whatever sanity he had left and charge towards E.J, screaming: "GO TO SLEEP!!!" He stabbed him in the side of his torso, sending his blood splattering across the tiled floor.

E.J's grip on you weakened, wriggling free you fell to the floor, looking up at the two boys who were stabbing each other senseless. Your gaze flickered towards the others that E.J had knocked unconscious and tied up with rope so they couldn't interfere with E.J's 'plan'.

You crawled across the cold black and white tiled floor, staring to try and free them from the knotted rope that bound them together...

Jeff's P.O.V
Fuck! Where's Slendy when you fucking need him?!! I thought as I dodged E.J's attempt to swipe his scalpel at me, cutting off a few strands of my raven black hair.

As soon as E.J raised his scalpel to finish me, a looming black shadow stood over him, black tentacles ripping through E.J's back and spraying crimson blood all over my body and Slendy's face.

A mouth formed out of no where on Slendy's face, a long black forked tongue slid out of the mouth and licked up the blood that was splattered on his face as he retracted his tentacles and let E.J crumple to the ground in the pool of his own blood.

I looked around frantically for (y/n), panting from loss of breath from my fight with E.J. I found her untying the knot around the gang, the rope falling to the ground when she finished.

I stumbled over to her, wrapping my arms around her from behind. She stiffened at my touch until I soothed:" Shh... It's just me..." She then relaxed in my arms, letting my lips brush over her neck.

"I-I missed you...!" She sobbed quietly as I stroked her hair gently. "I... missed you too... I'm not going to let anyone fucking maim you... E.J's dead now... so it's OK-..." "HAHAHA!!! Are you sure about that?!!" A cackle erupted from behind us, making (y/n) scream:"JEFF!!!".

I twisted around just in time to catch a speeding scalpel covered in blood before it could plunge into my back and stab me. "You just don't know when to fucking quit do you?!" I growled, stabbing him deep in the chest.

"No matter what you fucking do..." I started, kicking him to the ground. "(y/n)'s always going to fucking be..." I said, scooping her up into my arms bridal style and stepping over his dead body.

"Mine..." I whispered, walking up the wooden staircase just as everybody slipped back into consciousness. I kicked open my door and closed it behind us, laying her on the bed softly as I climbed over her body, sifting my bleached fingers through her (h/c) hair as I pressed my lips against hers.

I broke away, letting her fingers tangle in my shoulder-length ebony hair. "Jeff..." she blushed cutely before I leaned down, kissing her again with more force. "I'm afraid I can't let you go sweetheart... After all...
                You're mine..."


You're Mine... (Jeff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now