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Jyn watched the mysterious mans back until he left only then did she noticed she had his jacket still. "I guess I'll hold onto it for now..." she reasoned with herself that it wasn't because she wanted to see him again.

She felt marginally better since she hurled, yet it still felt like her body was rejecting something. Shuddering Jyn put on the black bomber jacket and walked home feeling worse with every step. The jacket smelt familiar. "Cassain." the name rolled of her tongue as if she had said it a thousand times. She was sure she knew him but she didn't know how. What was going on? It was making her head spin.

Cassian sat by the harbour on the railing. The cool September air was just warm enough that he didn't notice his jacket missing. He watched the water lap rhythmically in time with the boats bobbing on the water. He sighed. There had to be more to the world than this. Working paying bills and then what? He felt like he was missing something he didn't know. Despite the terrors in his dreams they seemed better than his life at the moment. Maybe he needed to travel the world and he would discover the piece of him that seemed to be missing.

Cassian is looking through the scope of his sniper rifle. He's watching two older men fight, he can't read there lips. He watches as men in suits step forward and execute the one mans team. Cassian then realizes he's been watching that man because he's supposed to kill him. But he feels morally wrong about it, for more than the fact he doesn't want to kill him. He's important to someone he knows.

The he sees her, the woman from the bakery sneaking by enemy after enemy getting closer to the man Cassian has his sights set on. A shot goes off but it's not from him. He's worried about the brunette girl. Another shot goes off starling him this time.

Cassian is brought back to the present where he is still sitting on the railing by the water. Fireworks are going off. An elderly man beside him nods at him. "Nothing to be ashamed of young man."

"Huh" Cassian replied still out of it from wherever his mind went to

"You should be proud you servers your country well."

"Served my country?" Cassian squeezed his eyes shut briefly trying to understand the world around him again.

" Only a soldier would have you blanked out expression during those fireworks, it's called PTSD or whatever. At least your generation try's to understand instead of calling people like us crazy." The elderly man shook his head in dismay seeking to go somewhere else himself. "War is no walk in the park, not everyone understands that." The man scratched his white beard.

"No they don't" Cassian decided to play along now, he didn't want the man to question him. "Well I gotta get home now." Cassian nodded at the man who nodded back.

Cassian thought about what the man said. It almost felt like he was right, but he was no soldier. He thought about the woman he met. Jyn. An unusual name yet so familiar. Some how she was connected to all of this he was sure. But how? And It wasn't like he could just gander up to her and tell her about the dreams he's been having she'd think he was being a creep. There had to be a way to get this feeling to go away.

Jyn rolled over in her bed. It was far to early to sleep but she wanted to escape the feelings that stuck to her. The man she met she felt an undeniable curiosity. But she was strong on her own she didn't want to rely on someone else to figure out the dreams. But it was looking like Cassian was going to be the only way she could possibly understand.

Jyn decided to go for a jog to help clear her mind. She grabbed her headphones and slipped out the door.

The air was crisp, it just barely irritated her nostrils. She pulled up her shirt trying to cover her nose. Her feet made contact with the cement in time with the beat playing in her headphones. 'Back in Black' it was her favourite go to feel good song. She focused on her breathing, in through her nose out through her mouth. She maintained a steady pace. She liked running it felt natural she could just think about nothing and just watch the world around her.

Cassian stood by a the pool table beer in hand. His opponent was a heavy set bearded man who was far too boisterous for Cassian's taste. The blonde looked at him with intent in his eyes as he held the cue stick in his left hand and drank with his right. The man made his shot sending the balls everywhere. The man was beating him. To be fair Cassian's mind was somewhere else the alcohol hadn't helped much with distracting himself. Cassian couldn't stop seeing the pool table as a galaxy each ball was a planet.

Cassian made his shot. He sank two in one, rubbing his short beard in concentration. He didn't want the man to win mostly cause he felt spite towards him. He was so loud and obnoxious it made Cassian irritated.

But he was too far behind.

The blonde made his final shot, sinking the black 8 ball.

He picked up the cue and kissed it. "I call this thing the destroyer!"

Cassian felt nauseous. Not because he lost. Suddenly he was somewhere else. A dessert of sorts. A big spherical structure could be seen in the sky. It was no moon.

"Hey no need to be a poor sport." The bearded man clapped a hand on Cassian's shoulder bringing him back.

Cassian ran out the bar feeling the urge to puke take over his body. He just made it outside when he ended up puking in the gutter. Luckily to everyone he seemed like he had too much to drink. But in reality he wasn't even close.

"Are you really that drunk you're puking in the street?" A familiar voice asked behind him.

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