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Jyn chewed the inside of her cheek sat at a table and watched Cassian stand in line waiting for their drinks. She studied his features while he wasn't watching her. His warm brown hair fell in his eyes just barely. It was well kept and suited his jawline. She imagined what his warm skin must feel like against her. It wasn't fair of him to wear something so tight fitting. 'Don't.' She shook the thought out of her head. Finally Cassian approached with their drinks. For her a medium London fog. For him a large Americano with one sugar. Jyn raised her eyebrow when she sat down with their drinks. "An Americano really?" She said smirking. "What's wrong with that?" He looked almost offended making Jyn smile even harder. "It's just an old man drink in my opinion." Jyn stated pointing her nose up in the air in a fake snob fashion.

"I'll have you know I am no old man." He said imitating Jyn's body language. "I am at the young age of 25 I'll have you know."

Jyn felt relived to hear he was in her age group she was worried he was going to be older than she thought he was. "25? You're gonna be 30 in 5 years you call that young?" She teased. Cassian fake pouted.


"So." He started.

"So?" Jyn repeated confused.

"The dreams, have you had anymore of them lately?" He said his face suddenly getting serious. Jyn took a long sip of her tea before answering.

"Yes, I've had a lot more since meeting you actually." She admitted.

"Same here." Cassian nodded. "I didn't mean to creep you out that day at the bakery that day, I just I could've sworn I had seen you before."

Jyn waved her hand dismissively. "No I felt that way too, which was why I was freaked out because I just had this overwhelming feeling for some reason." Cassian nodded understandingly. "So what are your dreams related to?"Jyn asked taking another sip of her tea.

"Well, usually I'm a pilot or something? And i'm in the army and I have to kill people I guess. Recently I had a horrible dream that my parents died."

Jyn nodded solemnly. "Are your parents still alive in real life?"

"No, I never knew them actually." He said casually.

Jyn's eyes widened. "Wow..." She trailed off.

"It's okay though, I mean I never knew them so like I can't miss them." He said nonchalantly hoping Jyn would stop looking so distant.

"No, I mean me too. I never knew my parents. They died in a car accident when I was a baby."

"You're kidding. Mine died the same way." Cassian added in disbelief.

"This is a whole new level of weird. Jyn said furrowing her brows.

"It is curious." Cassian agreed stroking his stubble in deep thought.

"There has to be something going on. There is no way this a coincidence. No way. Something weird is happening and it's happening to us for reasons unknown." Jyn said leaning closer towards Cassian. She looked him directly in the eye which made him want to squirm. Instead he stared back just as intently. She smelt like lavender, not the over powering fake stuff either. Her skin was so smooth, her cheeks pink from the heat. " I usually don't believe in such things" He started watching her mouth part ready to defend her case "But I do actually believe what you say. I just wish I knew what to do."

Jyn sat back and sighed heavily. "Me too." They stared at each other in silence for awhile. Despite the quiet it wasn't awkward at all. In fact it was comfortable."Hey I know!" Jyn sat up. " We should do a dream journal, and meet up every week or so...Like a book club but for dreams." Cassian smiled. "Sounds like a good idea to me, although I need to get a journal then."

Jyn got up from her seat. "Let's go! Notebooks are my favorite thing in the world." Cassian laughed. "What?" Jyn asked defensively.

"Nothing." He said still smirking. Jyn crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. "Tell me." She said trying to keep a serious expression.

"Okay." Cassian caved. "You sound like a total nerd."

Jyn's mouth dropped the corners of her mouth still in a smile. "Oh What-ever." She said playfully hitting his arm before striding in front of him with her head held high. Cassian couldn't help but look at her butt. He blushed slightly when she almost caught him.

"Why are you walking so slow?"Jyn turned around walking backwards.

Cassian covered his smile with his hand. "Nothing." He said innocently. Jyn rolled her eys and continued to walk backwards carelessly.

"I can't wait to pick out a new notebook!" She said excitedly. Cassian had to admit she was cute when she got this happy about something. It was his first time since meeting her that she actually seemed genuinely happy.

"Maybe you should look where you're going." Cassian warned still smiling.

"I'm fine. I can handle myself remember?"

"Mmmhmm." Cassian shook his head.

"You're so grumpy, old man" Jyn stuck her tongue out. "Always so serious." She said making her voice low. Cassian rolled his eyes making her giggle.

Cassian watched in slow motion as the heel of her boot caught the groove of the side walk. Her arms stuck out like a cat as she began to fall. Cassian quickly reached out and grabbed her arm before she could hit the pavement. Jyn fell the other way now straight into Cassian's chest, which wasn't an unfamiliar place for her. Cassian let her out of his protective embrace faster than he wanted to as to not creep her out.

"Thanks." She said sheepishly.

"No problem, Miss I can handle myself." He smirked bumping into her purposefully.

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