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Jyn opened her eyes slowly. It took her a couple tries before she could see right. Her head was pounding as was the rest of her body. Rain could be heard hitting the roof. Then she realized it wasn't the roof it was the bottom of the car and she was upside down.

She tasted blood in her mouth her jaw tight. All she could see were bits of glass and the air bag that had been deployed. She moved her head slowly to her left to see Cassian unconscious, still buckled in to his seat belt.
"Cassian! Wake up!" Jyn urged.
Jyn unbuckled her seat belt and braced for impact. The car groaned as she slammed into the roof below her. "Cassian!" She tried again crawling towards him, her entire body screamed in pain. She pressed her fingers against his neck. There was a pulse!

The familiar smell of gas entered through Jyn's nostrils. Panic stabbed her in the chest.  Despite the rain there was  still a high chance of the gas igniting especially if there was a spark. Quickly Jyn hit the button on Cassian's buckle releasing him onto her. "Ooof" Jyn grunted as the weight of Cassian's body pushed her against the car. Luckily she was small enough to squirm out from underneath him. She went back to the passengers side where she could move and kicked her door as hard as she could adrenaline pumping through her body. Finally the door released, Jyn grabbed Cassian by the armpits and began to drag him out of the car with her.  It took all of her strength to pull him out of the car sweat dripped down her forehead.

Jyn screamed everytime she pulled Cassian further out of the car, the mix of the pain and frustration was too much for her, and half of her hoped it'd wake Cassian up so she wouldn't have to feel alone anymore. The rain soaked through her jacket and leggings. It didn't help that the tree's above her funneled all the water onto her back.

A sudden wave of heat hit Jyn almost knocking her back, her suspcions were correct. Adrenaline took over now she managed to drag the rest of Cassian out of the car. She didn't stop till she was far enough away from the flames. Once she stopped she collapsed beside Cassian, the adrenaline gone now. She couldn't stop shaking she was so cold, the type of cold that makes your bones turn to lead. She laid on top of Cassian for warmth. "Please wake up." She whispered before her vision went black.

Cassian was flying a plane. It was raining so hard he couldn't see a foot in front of him. He was flying low to the ground causing the ship to be unsteady and hard to control. Suddenly he scrapped the side of a cliff sending the plane downwards. Then he saw headlights coming towards him. He felt the impact force him towards the windsheild. Cassian woke up with a start. "Jyn!" He shouted automaticlly before he realised where he was. Jyn was on top of him unconcious. What happened? Cassian's mind was foggy. He glanced over to see his car ablaze. Cassian sighed deeply before laying back down trying to process the events that conspired.

"Jyn are you alright?" He asked shifting under her weight. His head pounded his back felt as if he had been slammed into the pavement. Jyn's eyes fluttered open. "Cassian!" She murmured. "Thank god I thought you had died." She said slightly deliriously
"Jyn.You're in shock, look at you, you're shaking like a leaf." Jyn looked down at her body as if she couldn't feel it.
"No I'm cold." She said through chattering teeth.
Cassian raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"It hurts." She stated.
"What hurts? " Cassian asked now worry flooding his heart.
"Everything." She grimaced holding herself tighter.
Cassian hugged her close. His chest hurt. He figured he had broken a rib or two. Breathing was painful but bearable.

"Hey! Is anyone alive down there?" A gruff voice called out from the fog.  "Yes! Over here!" Cassian called out. Out of the fog emerged a bulky looking man. His hair was long and black. He wore a heavy rain jacket and construction boots. "I'm a volunteer fire fighter. I noticed the fir down in the ditch. You're both lucky to be alive." Jyn nodded. "Can you two walk? I can take you to my truck and get you seen to."
"That sounds wonderful." Cassian sighed in relief.

Jyn helped Cassian get to the truck. They both leaned on each other for support. Jyn didn't know what was wrong but her entire body felt crushed. The gruff man helped them get in the back of the truck before getting into the drivers seat and turning on the ignition.
" Don't you guys worry, well have this all sorted out." He said looking in the rearview mirror before merging back onto the road.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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