the woods

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It was dark and the forest seemed eerie in this light.

Willow gasped as she looked straight into the face of Erin, her brother. "You as well?" "Yes." "Did you succumb?" "Yes." She backed away quickly, her blond hair flowing from her dark skin with the movement. Her purple eyes held a sadness she could not control. "Brother... why?" Erin looked down and said "I already have enough doubts as it is. Our family curse has fallen from generations and I don't want to be the one to die." "We can stop this together brother!" She hissed out, angry he was giving up so soon. "No... I cannot. You should have just let it be. The curse skips a generation." "This isn't fair!" "If I did not join forces with him it would have killed me!" He cried out, desperate for her to see truth in his words.

Willow backed up and ran, she wanted none of this. She couldn't stand back and watch like her sister Rowina had done.

Tears flowed from her as she ran to find anyone she could. Perhaps her other brother Tristan, could help, he was starting a rebellion.
She cried out as she felt something grasp her ankle. Looking down she saw a Creep.

The curse had been on their family ever since the monster had collected proxys. The monster was tall, slender and hated getting dirty, he was all about buisness. His proxys were called creeps. Every generation they resurfaced for Willows family, either to kill one of them, make them join or to severely scare them into trauma. No one knew why they did this but it happened. Therefore Willows parents decided to have lots of kids, so that some could survive. Willow was the youngest and didn't know how many siblings she had but she knew at least eight of them.
If anyone managed to escape from the monster then he would come back the next year with even more power. All of his proxys were family to Willow, and now Erin was going to be a proxy as well. There was one generation where they managed to survive for a really long time, the monster got even more powerful and in time he decided to stop skipping on generation and started killing like crazy.

This is all Yuki's fault. That girl had it coming! She was the one who had sought them out and begged them to stop the attacks. She was a distant cousin and had gone missing for quite sometime. Willow didn't know what had happened to her but didn't want to find out.

She kicked the creep and started running again, her breathing harsh and sweat gleamed on her dark skin. If she could only make it past the fence.

She stopped dead. Two figures stood between her and the fence. It was a boy in black and a girl with a purple mask on. There was silence. Then the girl spoke in a strange language to the boy and they both nodded. "Who are you? I've never seen you before!" Willow said angrily, she knew all the creeps by heart and had never seen these two before.

"Our names aren't necessary." The purple mask girl replied, she drew up her hood and said "you need to leave before the creeps catch up." "Y-you guys aren't creeps?" "Once, perhaps, we did fight along side them." "Why did you leave?" "They kill our kin. They kill out of wrongness. We however kill for our emotions. It's the only true way to kill." Willow gaped. "What are you talking about?! Killing is wrong in general!" "You remind me of someone and therefore I'm not going to kill you. If it was my choice however I would gladly kill you for you are quite special." The silent buy in black tugged on the girls arm. They nodded and the girl said "tell your parents to tell you a story about Scooter." Scooter sounded like a dumb name but Willow took it.
When she looked back up they were gone. She took her chance and ran, sensing someone behind her.

She didn't know who they were, but obviously they were different. They could perhaps help them.

They desperatly needed help. However Willow didn't want to associate herself with these killers. She called Tristan and he picked up since they were out of the woods. "Yea?" "I need you!" "Ok I'm coming." He hung up and Willow was out of breath. She could still smell those bloody woods, she could still sense a presence, she could feel the hate flowing off her in all directions.


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