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Jack wished he were anywhere else but here, in the lair of a witch. He had dealt with spirits before who had witch like powers so he guessed that it wouldn't be much different but the whole tower made him uneasy.

The tower was huge and lifted him off the ground. It was hidden and secretive in the foliage so finding it had been quite hard. Apparently there were things hiding in the shadows that had not been dealt with for a while now and he needed to deal with it now or Rapunzel would get hurt.

He turned and gasped as he saw the shadows turning into men drinking their guts out, guards killing with no remorse and last but not least two witches. The stories the shadows emitted made Jack think of Pitch and he tried not to lurch forwards at them with his ice.

The witch had survived the fall long ago from the tower and had evaporated to another hideout. Now she had returned and Rapunzel had called for Jack because she knew that he would do anything for them.

He smirked as the shadows twisted, they had not expected him. That's when he saw her. Mother Gothel.

She was old and disgusting, skin peeling away and it seemed to flake off her but he knew that she was keeping herself together with what little magic that stayed in the tower. She turned and said "oh, the princess too good for me now? Got one taste of adventure, tried to kill me and then settled down? Sending a... What are you?" She peered closer at him and he knew that to her he seemed like a misty dream.

"I'm jack frost!" He exclaimed happily. Her eyebrows rose as he got into a fighting position "Rapunzel only sent me because she doesn't want to deal with all the emotional abuse you've afflicted on her!" She scoffed. "peasant boy. No, a dead peasant boy that thinks he can take me on? Sorry but that's just to funny!"

Jack felt himself grow stronger as she cackled. "good!" His smile twisted and she frowned

"I feed on it!"


Rapunzel wasn't worried about Jack, he should be able to take her out. She was worried however about how Hiccup was stranded and wounded somewhere in the woods.

Apparently he had fallen and couldn't get up or something. Toothless and the rest had gotten separated and Rapunzel was catching a ride with Astrid.

She had never flown on a dragon before and she found it quite exilirating.

She whooped and laughed as the wind blew in her face, sometimes it annoyed her and it seem the vikings had built up a tolerance to it after flying on the majestic beasts for so long.

Astrid glanced back at her and smiled, but worried her lip. They both wanted to find Hiccup and were equally afraid.

Suddenly a net came out of no where and knocked Rapunzel off Stormfly just as Astrid ducked. She screamed as she heard the wind whip around her and tried to rotate her body so she would be able to catch onto something. She fell with a splash into the waters and bubbled to the surface.

As she gasped for air she smiled and swam to the bank. Astrid was fighting with some vikings and hadn't noticed how her charge was no longer with her.

Rapunzel smiled, it felt good to swim with ought all that extra long hair blocking her.

She reached land and then ran into the woods to go off on her normal mission, finding Hiccup. Her trusted frying pan and a sword by her side. She ran through the foliage, bare feet hurting as the terrain wasn't like her own. She ignored the pain and kept going.

Until she bumped into a rather large dragon. It was a teenage Monsterous Nightmare and it was not happy.

It's leg was caught in a trap and it didn't like it when a pretty human girl barreled into him. Rapunzel gasped as the beast drew itself out in its full height and she took a step back. "oh you're lovely!" She looked deep into its eyes and established the bond as she extended her arms as a sign of peace. The dragon calmed down and allowed her to touch him after she whispered comforting things to him.

She went to his leg and tried her best to untie it, finally getting him free after she bashed it with her sword.

She smiled as the beast roared in thank you and nuzzled her. "aw no problem big guy." He crooned and then growled at the bushes. Rapunzel gasped and whirled around to find dragon hunters advancing towards them.

She put her sword away and picked her frying pan instead, raising it high above her head and glaring. "come one step closer to us and you will be sorry!" The men cackled as they took in the way she was dressed and then ran at her.

Now Rapunzel was a pretty badass princess but when it came to battle against three burly men she didn't know what to do.

The dragon did however and it picked her up, placed her on its back and took off as fast as it could. Apparently it knew they wouldn't win that fight.

Rapunzel hugged him and sighed a small "thank you as she looked on the ground to see if she could find Toothless or Hiccup."


Hiccup was hurting all over. After crash landing he was all alone and quite afraid.

He'd seen some men hunting for bears, which meant bears lived around here, and he didn't know what to do if he encountered one. He was a DRAGON trainer, not a bear trainer.

They talked in funny accents, like Merida did, and they spoke about how the witch had moved back in and would curse them all if they didn't do anything.

Hiccup ran as fast as his bent metal prosthetic would allow and the squeaking echoed through the woods. He got to a small hut in a hill and knocked timidly on the door.

"hello?" "come on in dearie."

He gulped and stepped inside. The old hag behind the desk was obviously a witch and Hiccup faintly wondered if she was the one those men had been talking about.

"hi, Im looking for my dragon and was wondering if you had seen him?" She chucked and said "why no I haven't, we dont really get dragons around these parts. Mostly bears." Hiccup worriedly glanced around the shop and saw all the bear figures. He shivered. "um well thanks anyways. I'll see you around maybe but I have to keep looking."

He opened the door and gasped, a huge black bear stood right there. He let his viking insticts take over and plunged his small dagger into its thigh before slamming the door and panting. The witch giggled and said "oh no darling you aren't going anywhere!" Hiccup watched as she advanced and pressed himself against the door, not liking how he was stuck between a bear and a witch.


Merida was currently in the castle, enjoying a nice beverage and wondering where the hell Jack could have gotten to when she noticed something creeping along the walls. She knew this form very well. It was the form of fear.

She took out her bow and arrow, shot it and watched as the sand crumpled on the floor. More tendrils reached out and she shot them all, panic and determination growing.

Why were they all targeting her?

She heard a man laugh and narrowed her eyes. Jack had said not to wast her arrows on Pitch Black but she would if needed!

She noticed the sand started seeping through the cracks of the castle walls and going into other bedrooms. She gasped and launched herself off the bed as she chased and shot after them.

No way was she letting her family get attacked by fear itself.

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