How did this happen?

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Their father killed my sons! How could he? I watched as my son gurgled and died but I was smart about it. Their father turned and I could see it in his eyes, obsession.

We weren't hurting anyone, only cattle. Why did he have to come after us? We were innocent. I snarled as I saw the man finish my son off and then start to leave.

When he least expected it I jumped from my hiding spot, father against father. I had a reason to fight though. He was not prepared and soon enough I had him tied up and was pacing the room. Shall I kill him? No, he needs to suffer as I am. He needs so much more, to feel the pain of loosing a child.

I nodded, taking off his gag. "You got any children Wilson?" He narrowed his eyes in confusion "um yes why?" I smiled sweetly. "how many?" "four." Now my smile was sweetly sick and I yelled "we shall see about that when im done with them!" His face crumbled and he struggled as the realization hit him full on, It was amusing. "you touch any one of my children and ill slit your throat!" I sighed, the game was getting fun.

I left him there, swaggering out. The place was riddled with traps so the man had at least a week to find a way out.

I had a week to kill his children.

Why not play with your food a little bit?


I arrived, taking the shape and form of their father, walked into the small apartment and was surprised.

One kid, the oldest, was sick and sleeping in the bathroom with his head against the cool toilet seat.

The next boy was calmly sleeping all curled up on the couch, the tv played Jurassic Park in the background.

The next girl was asleep with her head on the book page, clearly studying for something. Looked like Science.

Then there was the youngest girl, coloring intently in the bedroom, not even noticing him walk in.

He tried to act normal, putting everything in place. He had done research before he got here and knew everything there was to know about these kids.

The family moved around a lot, have been to multiple places around the world and all seemed quite talented. They were middle class and something was off about them.

Their father was cruel and had gotten complaints from neighbors and had been investigated for abuse multiple time. He didn't know if it was true but it struck a cord within him and he felt even angrier.

The eldest boy was a great engineer and could fix anything by simply looking at it. He was sixteen and apparently quite the loner. Although he did like to party and he was really protective. His name was Derek.

Next was Simon, possibly the most talented. He was strong but also smart and wanted to be a lawyer. He was a little awkward but mostly just a happy thirteen year old.

The eldest girl was 10 and her name was Indonis. People called her Dy for short and she was really into languages, art, science and math. She did well in school and was really smart.

Last but not least was Arianna. She was the perfectly normal girl at school who never did anything wrong or right. She liked sports and she always tried to live up to her big sisters potential. A six year old with a dream to be like her siblings.

I glanced at them all and got to work. "hey Arianna?" She glanced up and rubbed her eyes, past bedtime? I thought. "why aren't you in bed." "cause I was waiting for you!" She said in a loud and joyful voice as she jumped up and down. She clung onto me and gazed at me like I was her lifesaver. I tried not to think about peeling her off. "get to bed darling." I ruffled her hair and then mentally frowned as she nodded and pranced away quickly. I had seen tears in her eyes, perhaps joy? I shivered.

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