War at School

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There is a war going on. I don't know how it happened exactly. One day the teachers told us some very disturbing news. The world was going to end. They had to keep us locked up in the school until aid would come. Aid would not... did not, come. They were sure of it. We were sure of it. The world was sure of it.
The whole school broke apart after that. It started with some popular kids deciding they would run the school on their terms and didn't have to listen to teachers any more. I guess they didn't believe in them anymore.
They killed three teachers. All the rest ran away.
People started to freak out. We were divided into two groups. The Populars and the nerds. We called ourselves the NHE. The Populars called themselves CSS. I don't know what it stands for so don't ask me. We dont really care anyways.

It's been going on for almost a year now. The Populars try to force us to join them, get out of the school or die. Sometimes, its a trap and they kill us on the spot. We learnt to never trust them. I don't know where they got their weapons but I do know that us NHE are loosing food fast. The Populars have taken over the cafeteria, sports building and the art building. Which sucks for some of the hipsters. We have taken over the language building, science building and the main building. We couldn't get the important buildings fast enough.
I sense a fight is going to break out.

Some people have heard rumours about zombies or crazy people running around the city. That might be true, we've messed up earth pretty badly so it's only natural that it now turns on us.

I am one of the highest leaders. Along with James, Albert, Imogen and Soumya. We have devised plans to keep away the Populars and steal food. The five of us have called ourselves the leaders because no one else wants to be it. The wight of all of these people rest on our shoulders. Normally I'd hate being a leader but now I jumped at the chance. It comes naturally to me, especially in these situations. I don't know why but I feel as if my life is finally more interesting. Or maybe im just happy to be a part of something bigger then myself. I'm ashamed to admit I like the war.

I like the way I can make people do what needs to be done. I like the way they listen and look up to me. I like the way I have finally earned respect from some of my peers and I like to feel important.

Maybe that's wrong, but I can't help it.

...moving on.

James has sandy hair and glasses. He is skinny and not good at sports, but he's a good runner and he's smart. Making him an obvious choice for our team. The Populars are relying on brute strength but that can only get them so far.
Albert is small but makes jokes when everyone is down. He is smart as well but he's mostly team spirit. He has black hair and glasses but don't be fooled by his cute appearance. He is actually a deadly weapon and we're happy to have him. He's killed loads of people. He can be brutal when he wants to be and he's tortured many.
Imogen is more of a representation then a leader. She's in 11th grade and takes leadership very seriously. She is a good role model for the others and we mostly refer to her as ultimate leader because she's older then us. She has short red hair with green tips. Freckles and makeup litter her face and she's short and not very good at sports but she is really what keeps this place together. I had a crush on her at one point but not anymore. No one has time for stuff like that.
Soumya is an emo. She tried to kill herself when the war first broke out. I managed to talk her out of it and said she could become a leader and she agreed. I force people to listen to her ideas because she has some good ones! She has black hair and dresses up all in leather. She looks totally hardcore and I love her outfit.
I am the last leader. I'm good at sports and I can decide good plans. I'm mostly a leader because I'm a good spy though. I'm sneaky, and more then once have a proven myself to the group.

I also teach people medicine. Turns out not a lot of people know about it, good thing I watched loads of doctor shows when tvs were still around.

I am mostly in the med bay, teaching and trying to help others. When I am needed by the leaders they call me up.

Between all of us I have a safe person.
Ethan. He is always there for me and whenever I'm feeling stressed we hang out. He's become the mother of the group and we all trust and love him. He tales care of the little ones.

The ones that need to be protected are these: nina, heejae, Jacob, Arva, Alia, Paulina, Eugyoel, Ina, Alfred, Guillaume, Reuben and Alex.
They don't understand like we do. I mostly protect Nina, she is like my own child. She's smaller then me and I really love her. Almost in a motherly way.
They a precious and cannot go out into the wilderness.

The trees around the school have grown out of hand, no one bothers to go near the forest because some drunken people have started a cult there.

We protect. The Populars attack. We smuggle younger kids into our base and the Populars kill them. You see how we have had to live? For almost a year! There are already plenty who have died. Two of them are: Heejae and Jacob. They died in the first week.

There were lots of tears, we had to be strong though. We burn all our dead.

We protect.

I'm certainly protecting.

No harm shall come to the kids.

My kids.

Made this one for you guys. Your all mentioned in it, some more then others. Sorry :/

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