Yuri and The Angel

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*~(Y/n)'s POV~*

As Yuri Plisetsky landed the Triple Axle the  crowd along with me cheers. Yuri was dancing to 'Agape', which of course, no one would think he'd dance to that. But Viktor Nikiforov was the one who choreographed the dance and he's known for being full or surprises. As Yuri finished the last move the crowd cheered. His performance was astonishing. It was beautiful.  

Next was Yuri Katsuki, dancing to 'Eros' also choreographed by Viktor Nikiforov. The other Yuri performance was flawless. There is no way that this Yuri could beat him, especially after the way his past seasons have been going. But yet again, Viktor was coaching him, so he could have a chance. 

As the song progressed, Yuri's skating did to, perfectly. It was better than he had ever done, well, ever. I hate to admit it, but at this moment, he was better than the other Yuri.  As the song was coming to a finish, something moved at the corner of my eyes. I looked over to see the same blonde haired skater, who i've looked up to for the past years leaving the rink, his expression of toughness still remained, but anyone could see in his eyes, that he felt defeated. I put the hood over my head and follow him, not trying to attract any attention of any of my fans. 

"Where are you going?" I heard my best friend, Tonya, ask me.

"O-oh,  just to the bathroom," I whispered. She turned her attention back over to the rink and I continued on to the exit.

I followed him out. I wanted to say something but was too afraid to. What if he thinks i'm a loser?  Scared in my thoughts I decide to actually say something.

*~Yuri Plisetsky's POV~*

"Yuri," I heard a feminine voice call out to me. I slowly look behind me at a familiar face. She had (s/c) skin, (H/l), (h/c) hair, and was wearing one of those hoodies with my face on them. Another fan. I think to myself. But with a couple of seconds of staring I saw it was her. The famous women's ice skater who took out all of her opponents at a younger age than I did. (y/n) (l/n), The Angel. She noticed me staring and got a bit uncomfortable.

"What?" I said in a sharp tone.

"How come you're leaving so early? They haven't even announced the winner," 

"Well isn't it obvious?!" I snap at her and she flinches a bit. I calm down a bit, "That fatso beat me," I turn away to walk but she grabs my hand. I felt my cheeks warm up. I turn around and she notices her hand on mine and pulls away blushing deeply. She looks down at her feet for a moment then at me. 

"I think you're a really great skater. Believe it or not, I've looked up to you for so long. Just promise me, you won't let this defeat discourage you. Your....Your skating.." She pauses and looks at the ground again, "Has gotten me through a lot... Just don't let this stop you," She turns away and walks back to the rink. This can't be real. I continue to walk, with her words still ringing in my head.

Your skating...has gotten me through a lot... Just don't let this stop you. 

The Angel Skates (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now