The End~

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*Recap on what happened*

Blah Blah Blah Grand Prix. Blah Blah Blah You and Yurio hug and you go to the bathroom to hide the fact you played into his wisecrack. Mkay heeerrre we goo.

*Now to das story*

I turn the corner to the bathroom. Behind me, I heard footsteps running towards me. I turn to see Yuuri running towards me. 

"HEEEEEYYYY YY/N! *Huff Huff* COME BACK HEEERRRREEE!" I turn on my heel and dash away.

"NO WAY FAT PORK CUTLET EATING PIG!" I try to run towards the women's bathroom where I would've been safe but right as I barely get a grip on the handle of the door, the fat bastard tackles me. I try to shake him off of me, " GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" 

"W-wait! Y/n! I need to ask you something!" 

"Unless you're asking to get punched, get off of me first," I glare at him. He slowly lifts himself off of me, "HURRY UP!" He gets startled and hops off of me and helped me up. 

"Okay... Now....I think..." He tries to catch his breath in between his words.

"Hurry up Katsuki!"

"Yurio...may like you..." My face went from annoyed to 'wtf'. I kicked Yurio in the stomach making him have an 'oof' sound escape from his mouth, which honestly sounded like the ROBLOX death sound. 

"What the hell?! Why are you making things like this up?!"

"I'm no--" I punch him again.

"WHY would he like someone like me...? "

"Well, you're talented and boys your age find you pretty cute too-" I slap him, "OOOWWW YOU BOTH ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER HOLY CRAP."

Anger and Sadness coursed through my brain at rapid paces. I start to shake. Yuuri notices this and gets a hold of himself. 

"Y/n..?" He looks at me. I've never been emotionally stable. Because of my crappy childhood, I can't feel correct. My feelings move through me too quickly. Yuuri backs away from me, "Are you okay?" Don't. I try to smile and snap back into reality. Don't you dare.

"Y-yeah....I'm fine...." I laugh. I tried to laugh like a normal human being but ya know, I can't do that because I'm weird. I continued laughing like I was insane. Not too long afterward tears came down my cheek. Yuuri pulled me into a hug. I sat my face on his shoulder.

"He....He'd never love me. I'm not stable...I'm not pretty...I'm probably just super annoying to him honestly...I'm so stupid. So stupid for going with him. I should have stayed with my abusive mother. I shouldn't have built up such a strong relationship with him for the time I was traveling with him...I'm so stupid... I D O N T D E S E R V E H I M..." I cried. Yuuri didn't say anything he just stopped hugging me and walked away. Great not only am I annoying, but I'm also an attention whore now. 

I had just realized how strong my feelings were for Yurio. It wasn't just some crush. I love him. I felt someone was behind me. I turn to see the Russian punk standing there, staring at me in awe. A light blush spread across his face. I turned and ran towards the door of the arena. He called after me, but I ignored him. I sprinted so he couldn't gain on me. I slightly turn my head to see him losing his breath. He looked at me with sad eyes that I have never seen on him ever. It stung my heart. I continued to run.


I sat on the cold swings of a park bench. My tears froze up a bit as they slid down my cheek. I heard crunching behind me. Yurio was three feet away from me. I looked so weak. I wanted to get up and run but as I was getting up he grabbed my wrist tight enough not to hurt me but for me to not get away.

"s..stop...just let me go.." He looks at me with concern. I sheepishly tug away, too sad to have energy.


"Let me go!" He jumps back at my voice level as more tears stream down my face. He hugs me tightly. I didn't want to let go of him.

"I won't ever let you go." He whispers in my ear. I sniff trying to hold back my tears, "Cry. I don't care," After this, my eyes were pouring more liquids out than Niagara Falls. I whimpered as he ran his hands through my hair. He pulls back and puts his hand on my face. I looked him in his green eyes which glistened with tears.

"Yuri---" He kisses me. I melt into the kiss. I could tell he was crying also because he was quivering. Just when I'm starting to not want to pull away he sits with me on the park bench. 

"You are an angel...My Angel,"


I look at the two crying teenagers and smile. 

"You've done a great job," I heard a smooth voice say as they snake their arms around my waist. Viktor was right behind me and pressed his lips against my cheek.

"I-I guess s-so,"

"But I wonder, since when did you become the love doctor," He says in a devilish voice.



YO, WHAT UP. I originally planned for this to be a longer series but that was before I had other plans to further my profile. So sorry that I had to cut it short. And sorry for the crappy chapter I had no literal idea how to end the story so I add in some depressing love ish. Anyways, I hope you liked this story. I know how I previously said I would stop writing x Readers, but that was changed. I will continue to make x Readers but I'm not making them into separate books. Instead, I'll make one shot books based on various topics, games, and/or anime. So peace out. Oh! And if you want to, please follow me. Kthnxbye.

Also, I have a discord server if ya wanna join. 


The Angel Skates (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now