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Deep in the castle, lay a dark and misterious place. All the people who knew about it was dead except for one girl. Her name was Jasmine, and she had no idea what was inside that place. 

In a dream, she saw darkness come out, but little did she know what truley was behind that door. Someone who you could only imagine in your worst nightmare. Not a ghost or a vampire. No he was much much worse. 

Some people call him the Soul Snatcher, but others call him the princesse's true love. Not a prince charming who made her a sweet girl, but a man who made her is evil wife. Together they would be unstoppable.

This man woul wait as long as it took to marry his true love, and that was fine because he had the ability to live forever. The princess could, too, but only if she married him. Jasmine's great great grandfather knew this, so he trapped him inside that room. He also created the barrier to keep anyone from ever oppening it. He sent his magic book to one side and his wand on the other.

Little did he know that Jasmine would find both and break the barrier. The power to break it was so strong that it also opened the door. The Soul Snatcher is now free, and no one is safe.

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