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Song: Ento - DOPPLEGANGER ft Fox Rider


Much of the business world was aware of their name, however, it was more common among the nine-to-five workers for them to be seen by a much more elusive title. Perhaps something a bit cruel in the mind's-eye, yet truthful in all accounts. They were known as 'The Champion, The Statigest, and The Criminal,' names that they all agreed fit them rather well.

They were all men of practicality, when dealing with business they all had a certain method only known to them. Family was irrelevant in this instance, for they differed far to greatly that were you foreign to their world you would think them all from a different clan despite their physical similarities.

Sasuke: The youngest at age nineteen the CFO (Chief Financial Officer), was the one with the stonyer personality, keeping up a stoic facade. He was one who held a lust for competition that could not be found in his older counterparts. With such eyes of orientation his mind was never fair from a goal, and his methods of reaching to new heights could be called extreme if you did not know the man. However, his greatest strength lay in his resilience he was not the type to give up on anything unless it became a lost cause, he never lost a cause. Unfortunately weakness was his lack of emotional outreach, there weren't many people who could stand his rather childlike understanding of human emotion. He was the one the common people called 'The Champion.'

Itachi: Was a different matter entirely then his little brother, he was twenty-four, and one of the most famed of the three even as CIO (Chief Information Officer). His outreach was far and wide, and he was well known for his calm and often kind demeanor, although this often lead to many thinking him a fool or soft, which was not the case. His mannerisms were due mostly from his mother's insistence of good manners. He was still his father's son however, and had learnt his business hand from him, meaning his skill was not necessarily in business so much as fear and intimidation, he knew how to manipulate and gain trust in order to strike down their competitors. There was of course one thing he was susceptible against, and that was his little brother, Sasuke was his greatest weakness.

Although loosely defined, mentioning Sasuke in a negative way could have you in a bind quite fast, mentioning him in a positive light could garner you good favour just as quickly, he was malleable if you knew the right buttons which was an issue when running a business. His title was 'The Strategist,' as he was known for getting his family what they wanted without hassle.

Madara; The most reclusive of the three, was the one who held balance over the company. Unlike his nephews he dealt buisness mainly on the underside, setting those they were competing with up for a fall with the law, and bargaining with the less than savory gangs in the area to keep certain information away from prying hands and eyes.

He was not a trusting man, so even his own family was not completely trusted with the information he held, only Itachi and Sasuke were privy to such files, and their interest was not inclined to such ventures unless specifically ordered by Madara, preferring to stay up ground and in the eyes of the press in order to keep good face.

Madara was the Chairman and CEO of Uchiha Corp, and had been since his late Father Tajima's death twenty six years ago. He had taken over when he was merely nineteen and had been putting the company into advancement since. He was a cunning man, if a bit supercilious, his methods were questionable, but his hand for business was not. He was underhanded and was more accustomed to working in the shadows,dealing directly with other companies was not something he had vast experience with.

However, there was a meeting today at precisely two-o'clock which would be vital if they wanted to ascend further up the metaphorical ladder. A meeting with Namikaze Incorporated, a business that dealt with the research and development of some of the world's more advanced and expensive technologies. It was critical that they make this deal, so he would have to be there to insure everything went smoothly.

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