Chapter 1 ; The Meeting - Part 1:Namikaze

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Song: Elton John - Tiny Dancer

Walking up to the Uchiha Company one couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur, and the stark example it made of modernization. It was almost as tall about the Empire State Building if one was to compare, and Naruto was as his expeditions with his godfather and brought him to there many times as a child. It was mostly the shock, or disorientation from his perception on what the ground below would look like from the view of the roof, or windows, that however, was mostly his childlike nature come to play, a side of him, he would rather not show.

Admittedly he had many different sides to his personality, but currently, he had only need for three particular sides, in which case was his: mature, professional and flirty side - flirty side to win them over, a trait Karin said to use although he knew not how well it would work on these Uchiha men, they were said to be made of stone after all-. He was near sure with the combination of these three sides he could win this meeting.

The objective of this meeting was rather simple; win a partnership with the Uchiha's in order to protect their merchandise during shipment and investment. Uchiha Corp, being a corporation specializing in the protection of minor production company's merchandise for a small turn over profit. With the reclusion of the Senju Corp this meant they had to rely on the Uchiha's company for protection of their merchandise, but the partnership also brought more profits to the Namikaze Corp.

Stepping into the building a wave of revelation hit the feminine man.

He was in the Uchiha building, about to head into a meeting that could very well change his life, and the company's future thusly; his anxiety was about to kick him in the ass. Usually, when it reared up as such, Ino, Karin or his parents would help him calm down and relax, but they weren't here. He needed to calm himself down, which was very challenging for him to do currently. He started taking deep breaths, counting to ten and thinking of his sister. It took awhile but he finally calmed down, and hastily walked up to the receptionist.

"Umm...hi..I'm Naruto Namikaze, here for the meeting." The lady at the desk looked up, and smiled at him, emerald set eyes glinting in the polished white light of the building. She was dressed simply in black pants and a tightknit pink blouse -which opened provocatively to show a white drapped top barely covering her breast,- but what stuck out was the short blush coloured bobbed hair that curved around her face, and the purple diamond tattoo on her forehead.

"Alright," she handed him a gold key card with silver lining on the left side, "that's the key to the elevator. You will be on the eighty-seventh floor, conference room 5. I will call them and let them know you're here." The blonde nodded and sped walked toward the elevator.

Once in the elevator he lost his composure, dropped his briefcase and fell, backing into the corner of the elevator with legs shaking, he took jagged breaths as he clutched his blouse. It was such a panic inducing situation, his mind had not yet caught up, everything was just going by way too fast. He stayed like this for a very long time -at least he felt it was- just trying to comprehend everything that happened and would happen.

Then he felt himself reawaken, he knew who he was, and that was the CEO of one of the most advanced electronic production companies in the world, he was not some weak man, this was nothing compared to what he had dealt with. If anything he should be flippant about this whole affair. So steadying himself, he grasped the rail of the elevator, grabbing his briefcase as he went, and brought himself up onto his no longer shaking legs, straightened his shoulders and presented himself as the picture of confidence.

The doors opened and he smiled to himself, thinking of all the good things that could and would happen in this meeting. He walked with pride a sway in his hips as he headed towards the conference room feeling he was glowing with pride. It was like he was a whole new person and felt great. He felt like nothing could stop him now.

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