
136 13 10

Started: 3rd January 2017

Hey amazing people of the Wattpad universe and beyond! Thanks so much for giving this book a shot! 

I'm Keerti from Malaysia and this is my first time writing on Wattpad apart from being an obsessed reader that is haha!

Shoutout to my amazing friends for their support! Dippy and Saps, this is a special thank you to you guys aswell for helping out with the cover and the story :)

Please bare in mind that this is a fictional story set in a FICTIONAL place so certain places that are mentioned might not exist. 

Feel free to correct me if there are any grammar mistakes and I would absolutely love feedback form y'all :)



I didn't bother putting the copyright text here because I understand the struggle of reading a lengthy text that could possibly bore a person to death. 

BUT DO NOTE that whatever written here is of own creativity and hardwork. So if anyone ever tries to copy my work, I will not hessitate to appoint the Headhunters to personally PURSUE and HUNT YOU DOWN. Lol joking but you will be in some deep shit mate. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the book and comment your thoughts whenever you like guys! I sincerely appreciate any feedback and kind thoughts that you can send me :D

So here goes and don't forget to vote, comment and share! Love you guys :)

TEEHEE (yes I love nigahiga, deal with it!)

Into The VoidWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt