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"Okay, Reyna needs to back off from Percy! He belongs with Annabeth. No actually, he belongs with me more than her" I shut my book close with my feather bookmark sticking out. She really needs to lay off my man. 

Wave just rolled her eyes. "You do realise he is fictional right?", I mean yes but he is the love of my life and anyone who tries to come between us will most likely end up in old Al's butcher shop across town.

"You don't know anything you plain muggle. Don't make me use Expeliarmus on you!" I point my makeshift wand which is actually a pen towards her in defense. We were standing by my locker and I definitely do not want to attract attention by yelling at her here.

She scrunched her face. "Now you're mixing things up with Harry Potter".

Well excuse me, I am a wizard slash demigod and that is very rare trait on this planet. I dont even know how many times I've told her this but she keeps saying it's berserk.

Noticing the change of expression on my face she hurriedly changed her reply. "Yes, yes you are the one of a kind hybrid creature, part demigod, part wizard blah blah" she waved her arms in a very dramatic fashion.

I'm still disappointed with her though and I really need to give her a talk about her best friend duties.

My mouth twists into a frown when I looked at the time. Tyler should be here by now. He is always on time and gets pissed when Wave and I sometimes come late to school.

Wave gives me a similar expression. She said she texted him but apparently he said he had some business to take care of.

Odd. He always tells me stuff. This is the first time he's hiding something and it hurts a little that he told Wave but not me.

I took out my phone and quickly sent him a text reminding him to come over to my house after school for our monthly movie night. It was our tradition ever since we were kids to have a movie marathon, yes on a school night once every month. After the marathon he would usually sleep over. Mom and dad never minded 'cause he was practically like my brother and my house is his second home.

Ty's car was getting repainted so I was supposed to be his ride home today but because of his no show in school, I guess not. I really hope he is alright though.

Out of nowhere a pair of hands clapped at my face. I snapped back to reality, stumbling back a little. "Huh?" I look at the person. 

Wave just shook her head in disapproval. Zoning out on Waverly is actually a very bad move if you ask me. She would knock you on your head and ignore you for most of the day. At times she might talk to you but in a very shady way, and she would take on this weird diva queen persona where any light touch of the skin would prompt a 'hiss' from her.

She's real weird when you get on her bad side.

"Were you even listening?" she sighs, "Anyways, I said you still have my Chemistry book from yesterday."

I give her an apologetic look and pass her the book out from my bag. Thank god she's in a good mood today so Weird Wave will not surface today. Yayy!

I start to take out my stuff from my locker for class when Wave's eyes suddenly widen. In between my shuffling, I drop my pencil case on the floor with a loud thud. The contents of it was all over everywhere.

Before I could even get my things from the floor, someone was already helping me get them. And it was most definitely not Waverly since she isn't muscular with shaggy dirty blond hair and has a jawline so sharp that it could actually cut paper. Also did I mention this person is a dude?

Into The Voidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें