Chapter 50

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I got out of the car and walked inside.. Not really caring because I was to tired I kicked off my shoes and walked up stairs..

Nova was laying down on her little bed when I came in and plopped on the bed.. She's started trying to jump on the bed.. I sat up, grabbed her, and sat her on the bed..

I laid there for a while until someone started to knock on my door..

"Come in."

The door open and my mom was standing there.." are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good just tired.. I think I'm going to get something to eat and go to bed."

"Okay what do you want me to cook you."

"I'm just going to grab some fruit but thank you mom."

"No problem." She smiled as she left the room..

I sighed and sled off my bed on to the floor.. There was a taping on my window.. I stood up to see luke standing there in his window with no shirt and his hair was wet..

The sun was beaming on him and he literally looked like a angle..

I gapped at him for a second then I open my window..


He smile " hey... how did it go?"

"Good........ They were determined guilty"

"You don't sound very happy.."

" It's not that.. It's just.. I don't know." I leaned against the wall.

"Come here."


"Come here." He stretched out his arms almost touching the side of my house.. "do you trust me?"

"Yeah but.."

" then come on."

I rolled my eyes and walk foward.. he somehow grabbed me and pulled me in his house..

"Why aren't you happy I thought that was what you wanted?"

"It was but then... when they were determined guilty and I saw the look on their faces I felt.... bad and like I hurt them more then they hurt me.."

I messed with my hand and whispered" and I did."

He put his hand under my chin and moved hair out of my eyes..

I could tell he didn't know what to say.. he was trying his hardest to respond but I bet him to it..

"It just makes me wish I never even worried about it." I moved away from him and started petting General..

" I dont know what to say.. You know they deserved it.. if you wouldn't of done it they would of continued to bully you.'

"Maybe that would have been better then destroying all of their lives."

"You didn't destroy their lives they destroy their own lives when they decided to assault you."

"Well yeah but still."

He sat down and took a deep breath"you scare me sometimes.."

"Why?" I sid honestly wondering..

"I feel like I said it so many times but your just so nice.. Like they deserved it.
Yet here you are upset about their future.
It just makes me think like ever time I want to be rude to someone.. My thoughts switch to you... that may sound weird but it's almost like I think what would willow say if I was rude... or what would willow do in this situation.."

He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled" that kinda sounds stalkerish."

I smiled at him and shook my head." We are a interesting pare ain't we."

" you bet you bae.."

I smack him and laid on his bed.."did you ever know that you bed is very comfy"

"Yeah a couple people has told me."

" like kate?" I said in a serious voice but I was laughing and teasing on the inside

"Oh my God really willow? " he said before he launched him self at me..

I laughed and tried to get up but he was to fast.He pinned me down and started to tickle me..

General didn't like that very much and let's just say he was telling like off.. He started to bark and howl along with me laughing..

All of a sudden lukes siblings came barging in the door trying to come to my rescue but it wasn't working out to well..

Finally I got my hand in between us and held them there so he couldn't reach me.

"Please stop."

" only if you take that back."

" ummmmmmmm no.."

He turned to his siblings " can you go open up the gate? Please"

They took off doing as he asked.. I know right? Traders...

He smirked, cleaned out my pockets, and lifted me up.. Okay I would like to say I had no idea what was going on..

We went down the stairs..through the kitchen..out thw back door.. Then that when I realized where we were going..

" no no no no like noo please I take it back.. I really really do." I moved in his arm..

He shook his head and started to laugh.." why did you change your mind so fast.. I mean don't you want to go swimming?"

He stopped on the side of the pool..and dangled me over..

"Stop I said I took it back." I whined as I tried to move but he was to strong seeming as I was still weak from the dka and hospital..

"Ummmmmmm..... nope." He said as he jumped in the pool with me.. The water eloped us... Rushing all around us.. When he reached the bottom he pushed off..

When we breached the top he let go of me but still held on to my hips..

I took a breath and whipped the water off my face.. "Your a asshole you know that right?"

" Maybe, maybe not but either way you still like me more then you would like to admit.." he smiled

I bite my lip to stop from grinning but it didn't work.." shut up luke.." I said softy as I splashed him..

He put his forehead against mine"no there is only one way for stopping me to talk..

"And what's that." I said even though I knew..

He raised his eyebrow.. " I think... You know what it is.."

"Yeah....." I said as I lean towards him but right before our lips touch I whispered teasingly.." but that's doesn't mean I will."

I tired to push off of him but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back... Not wasting any time his lips finally met mine..

Wow holy cow a chapter lol.. Hope you enjoy.. Kinda a filler chapter but still pretty swaggy.. If your still reading this book thanks for waiting so long.. 😊 Anywho have a great day/night 🌞🌚


P.s. Sorry for the mistakes.. I literally wrote this on the drive home from seaworld at like one o'clock at night 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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