The Coffee Boy

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Liam's eyes opened wide as Zayn's soft pink lush lips interacted with his. Liam stayed still for a while before pushing away from Zayn.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Liam was surprised at the way Zayn crashed lips with his, without even thinking about the consequences.

Zayn had a smug face on, "Isn't this what we both been waiting for? At least...I have." Zayn admitted.

Liam cleared his throat before speaking awkwardly, "I-I don't play for that team.." Liam slowly started to back away from Zayn. "Bu-" By the time Zayn could get a word out of his mouth Liam was already rushing out of the office.

Stan witnessed Liam walking away out of Zayn's office in an awkwardly manner. Stan stalked into Zayn's office. His eyes were wide and confused.

"What happened, it was quiet and I saw the coffee kid walk out. Everything okay?" Stan asked.

Zayn sat in his leather chair, staring blankly at Stan. He put his hands to his face and hunched over, groaning.

"Wh-what happened?" Stan repeated, slouching to Zayn's desk, having worry and confusion in his eyes.

Zayn had his face still in his hands, "I fucked up dude, I fucked..up." His voice was muffled through his hands, shaking his head pathetically.
Stan's eyes focused on Zayn as he looked up to Stan. "I'm confused, catch me up."

Zayn spoke slowly."I kissed him....I fucking kissed him."Zayn let out a sigh.

Stan's eyes were wide. "How was he?" Stan questioned with a smile.

Zayn lightened up, "Perfect, just... amazing. His lips were so soft and beautiful. I wish I could stay pressed against him all day. But he knows I like him and he hates me." Zayn lowered his head to his.

"He doesn't hate you man," Stan calmed, "Well, I guess you cant get us coffee now can you. It'd be awkward wouldn't it." Stan added with a grin.

Zayn's head snapped to meet eyes with Stan, "I think that's the least of my problems right now." Zayn grabbed the coffee sitting on his desk. It was cold against his hand, making it go a little numb. He took a sip and sighed.
Liam speed walked from Zayn's office, trying to walk as casually as possible. He heard the "Bu-" that came from Zayn before he walked from his office. "Thanks.." Liam said waving good-bye towards Stan. Stan looked confused and began to walk to Zayn's office.

Liam looked down with a guilty look and exited the police station as soon as he could, not wanting to risk staying around. Liam knew he was lying to Zayn, he couldnt accept the fact that he was attracted to another male. Everyone would disown him and be cased out as different. His father had always treated his as if he was straight, he never really asked him who he was attracted to, he was proud when Liam brought home girls with lovely hair and shiny tops and saw their arms linked.

Liam checked his phone, it was already 8:04. "Shnit!" He exclaimed, bolting through the parking lot toward the bus stop. He heard the sound of an engine and glared up, oh no, the last bus had just passed, it was Liam's only way of getting home on time before his father could yell at him for being late.

Liam began walking slowly, not focusing anymore on his father or the bus but what Zayn had done.Why him? Why did Zayn have to go ahead and kiss him? Why did Zayn have to be so goddamn hot? Why? He was frustrated by the thought and his mixed emotions.

Liam, who shook his head, trying to get the memory and tingling feelings out of his system, started walking to his house, when suddenly he heard sirens behind him. Liam was a curious cat and snapped his head back to see a cop car pull up next to him slowly. The window rolled down slowly. Liam bit his lip nervously and tried to be as calm as possible, for he had a feeling he knew who was behind the wheel. A tan skinned man came into Liam's sight.

"Need a ride?" The tanned man asked.

Liam glanced at the man. He squinted his eyes trying to make out the figure. "Zayn?" Liam mumbled, gulping slowly.

Zayn grinned shyly, " Yeah... Ca'mon I'll drive you." Zayn offered.

Liam contemplated at the thought of going into a car with the man he had just kissed. "Uh..sure.."


Anthony's chapterr

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