A Step Back

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Their salvation had turned out to be merely a step back. Not only were there loads of undisciplined small children, but Merridew's natural poise underlining his authority had also wavered, as he didn't lead his followers out of their misery as he had confidently proclaimed. On top of that, Simon had shown multiple indications that his condition was worsening again. Roger wanted to steady the smaller boy, but he knew it would be accounted as a sign of weakness for both of them. And if he had learnt anything valuable from his father, it was to never show any weakness. Nonetheless, the dark-haired boy strained to refrain himself from helping his friend, as the smaller boy started to shiver uncontrollably, his considerably pale face almost drenched with sweat.

Finally, he managed to tear his gaze away from Simon after the smaller boy had given him a small reassuring smile, and surveyed their current situation. The fair boy with the shell radiated vibes similar to their Chapter Chorister. His appearance free from any blemishes as well as his firm voice and the admiring gazes from a rather plump boy next to him and especially the fascinating shell in his hands only boosted this image. His observations during the meaningless banter between the leader's of the two groups were interrupted by his fellow choirboys protesting quietly because of the suffocating heat. Roger wanted to smack them hard. Didn't they understand that this was about showing superiority? His anger subsided and changed into worry, as he perceived a loud thud.

He knew it before his eyes took in the sight of his smaller friends lying face ahead on the ground. How could he have let his thoughts stray from his friend, when his condition was so obvious? But it was too late to ponder his foolish antics, swiftly he picked the smaller boy up along with Maurice. A boy he didn't particularly dislike, but distanced himself from anyway, since his choir mate had made many efforts to get Roger out of his shell during the practices. Obviously, Roger didn't enjoy being put in the spotlight with everyone expecting the right reaction from him to Maurice's jokes. Yet, he felt nothing but sympathy for the slightly taller jokester, as they both gently heaved the smaller boy to the platform in order to let him rest there. Jack made a smart remark to emphasize the difference between him and the boy on the platform, resulting in laughter from the choirboys. Roger resisted the urge to hit the ginger. Merridew was right. They couldn't afford to look weak. In fact, he despised how vulnerable Simon looked right now, like easy prey. Almost like the plump boy, everyone was ridiculing just now. Roger also joined in, happily welcoming the distraction from the weak boy. But this just lasted for a short moment, then his eyes were captured by the fragile small boy again. Lost in his thoughts, the dark-haired boy nearly failed to notice his turn to introduce himself, if it wasn't for Maurice, sitting next to him stating his own name confidently with his ever-present laugh, ripping him from his indulgence.

To his relief he noticed the smaller boy was already up again. Even smiling vividly in contrast to his former deadly paleness, he basically radiated joy and delight. The dark-haired boy surpressed the urge to smile along with the smaller one. His conclusion from earlier still in his mind. He payed attention again just as things began to get interesting again. Ralph and Jack were competing for the leadership. Of course, they could have just divided the groups, just as they formerly were. Roger doubted many of the newcomers, mostly tiny children would be of much help to them. Yet, he also didn't exactly favour Jack as a Chief. The remark after Simon's fall still reverberating in his ears. No, under Jack's reign the weaker boys wouldn't exactly be spared. Yet, he was certain that he for his part would probably blossom under Jack's reign. He didn't fail to recognize Jack's attitude towards him. Eventually, Roger would go far, if Jack were to be the leader. But to what price? He couldn't let Jack take the reign just now. Not after Simon's poor first impression on this island.

With a calm, but firm voice he suggested to have a vote. The initiated excitement for this idea being thoroughly calculated. These small boys were too predictable. Of course, Ralph with his attractive exterior and his impressive poise and that symbol of power, their so called conch, won by far, although all the choir boys dutifully proved their loyality to their Chapter Chorister. Not a single one of them daring to fall out of Merridew's grace. As simple minded as they were, none of them were that stupid. For now, it all played out as he intended, there was just one thing left to take care of... He waited till the fair boy, Ralph, and Jack were off to their little expedition to speak to his friend alone. However, much to everybody's surprise Ralph picked Simon to accompany them. Why their new Chief had chosen just the one boy showing physical weakness out of dozens of willing boys, was a riddle for the dark-haired boy. Maybe Jack would have been a better choice, if that was the logic the fair boy used. Yet, despite his cynical thoughts it was not worth questioning the ways of the newly elected Chief and thereby risking the wrath of his seemingly many supporters. Begrudgdingly Roger, who had already risen to act out his plans, sat back down again. He would have to wait.

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