One Day

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For a moment Roger basically gaped at his friend. Each time he reckoned he had almost figured the smaller boy out, he was surprised by how much the other picked up.

"You knew that I wanted to talk to you all along?" The smaller one just smiled once again, lighting up the whole clearing with his vivid, joyful attitude. "Well, we can talk now, but I'd like you to come join me.", he declared with his soft voice in contrast to his uncharacteristically bold statement, as he patted a spot next to him.

Almost in a daze by Simon's sparkling green eyes, Roger complied. They both silently sat there for a moment, surrounded by the most colourful flowers. Then the taller boy shifted and stated awkwardly: "I don't feel comfortable, Simon. What are we even doing here?"

To this the smaller boy rested his head on Roger's shoulder, sneaking one arm around his back and drawing soft patterns on the dark-haired boy's back.

"Doesn't this feel like home right now?", the smaller one explained dreamily, "Nothing has to change. We can just stay together with the others. Not a single disturbance strong enough to separate us." After the initial surprise about Simon's tender touch, the dark-haired boy found himself able to release his stiff and tense posture for once.

By now, Roger was generally more relaxed, so he returned the favour, playing with Simon's dark locks, as he caressed his side. "Don't be silly, Si. What force could be strong enough to tear us apart." he proclaimed confidently, "One day, I'll marry you and we can even live together!"

Simon blushed at the thought, he didn't understand how his friend meant the idea of two boys marrying, but the thought of both of them kissing like he saw his Aunt Janet and his Uncle Jonathan do at their wedding actually excited him. Still, he asked confused, "Don't you have to marry a girl?"

Roger looked up from carefully untangling Simon's locks and furrowed his eyebrows, before once again declaring firmly: "No, I won't. My Mummy always said if I marry someone, I should really really like them, want to see them everyday and will want to do anything to see them smile or laugh. Then, we can spend eternity together! These girls are just stupid, I would trade you for none of them!" After his speech Roger smiled down at his friend and both of them shared a warm smile. "You're right, Roger. We'll marry one day. I can't wait for it."

For a moment both boys were indulging in their own imaginations of a bright future together. The taller boy was the first one to snap back into reality, when he noticed a leaf that had landed on his friend's lap. Carefully, Roger removed it, since the smaller boy didn't shown any motivation to do so. Having finished his tender action, he realised that his friend was watching his fingers retreat, after his - for some reason trembling- fingers had absent-mindedly caressed the other boys skin through his long shirt.

Sheepishly, the dark-haired boy connected their gazes. Content that his friend hadn't shrieked away, a reaction that had been frequent to accidental touches, when they were still getting to know each other. Encouraged by the smile Simon sent his way, Roger bent down to his friend and tenderly kissed the top of his head. An innocent symbol for how much he cared for and appreciated the smaller boy, which turned Simon beet-red. Yet, it was appreciated by the green-eyed boy, who had gradually become used to this gesture of affection and secretly adored the sense of security as well as the rush of endorphines it caused. Then, both boys blissfully lent back, both escaping in their respective phantasies, while enjoying the scenery as well as each other's company.

"Roger?" Simon yawned tiredly, his head now nuzzled into the taller boy's chest. "Can we talk about the thing tomorrow? I'm feeling really sleepy now." The real reason Roger abducted his friend now cast into the background, his friend rubbed soft circles onto the smaller boy's back absent-mindedly and agreed, as he took in his friend's exhaustion.

"Anything for you, Si", he affirmed, using the nickname he knew his friend loved, because it made him feel special, as though people cared about him. In that aspect, the dark-haired boy deemed his friend stupid, couldn't he feel that he and Simon's parents deeply cared for him?

Observing the younger boy so close to actually giving in to his exhaustion and to sleep, he remarked gently as well as quietly, as if not to break his fragile friend with a too loud voice: " Si? It's getting late now. Our cloaks are still with the others, so we have to return. I wouldn't want you to sleep without a blanket."

His friend reacted by slowly lifting his head from Roger's chest, disappointed to lose the opportunity to listen to the taller boy's steady heartbeat, which had a calming effect on him. Then he muttered something quickly and quietly, before he rushedly turned to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks by burying his face in his hands.

Roger observed this with sorrow. Sometimes his friend reminded him of one of these precious and beautiful flowers, that would shut down immediately once they were to be touched. The dark-haired boy wouldn't allow anyone to make his fragile friend completely shut out everybody and retreat. In his garden, it was his only flower worth taking care of. Still, he couldn't help, but feel frustrated, whenever he made his friend retreat without knowing why.

With a soft voice, but unable to hide the frown on his face, he tried to get the smaller boy to speak again. "Simon? Talk to me please? What did you say?" The other boy had gradually turned back to him, observing the shadow on his friend's face by peaking through his fingers.

"I just wanted...well..I'd like to...would you carry me? Please?" After awkwardly trailing off at first, he finished his plea with one single breath. His face now shining brightly with colours, the dark rouge on his cheeks, his sparkling green orbs and the rest of his face illuminated by the light that managed to reach the clearing deep in the jungle. Every shadow Roger had been haunted by suddenly escaped, confronted with that much light.

"Sure, Si. As I said, anything for you."

After carefully standing up, ensuring not to hurt the boy that was still entangled with him, and stretching for a bit, the taller boy picked his friend up to carry him in a bridal-style. His friend, who had snuggled into his chest, comfortable in his arms, a content smile playing on his lips, looked up to him to whisper: "Thank you, Roger. Tell me, if I'm too heavy.." But he was interrupted, as the taller boy chuckled lightly: "Trust me, Si. You're not too heavy at all. But you don't have to worry all the time. Actually, I should be worrying about how much you eat, you're way too light. But sleep now, Si, I'll see you tomorrow."

When the smaller boy closed his eyes, taken by sleep, Roger added quietly only for himself to hear: "I'll try to make this better, but I can't promise that. We'll talk tomorrow, then we'll see about my plan."

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