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I hate it. I really hate it. Of all people, it just had to be me didn't it. I mean, it's not like I can help it. My mom used to say i was special. Im pretty sure she says that because she knows freak would hurt me. Maybe god wants me to use this to my advantage. Maybe I'm the only normal one. Who knows. I dont know. Im sick. Im sick of this heart and these feelings. I was but 6 when i found out I was...different. Here in Tokyo, the government has its eyes everywhere. You can barely breathe without having to fear being heard doing something forbidden. I was a pretty happy kid, i mean how coudnt i be, i had the best grandparents a girl could ask for. They read me bedtime stories and everything but i still ended up being different. Schools here are strictly all Gony or all Kiny, see, here we arent allowed to talk with someone of the opposite race. Its a bit complicated. Gony are people who have the power to shapeshift and Kiny, the power to summon the 4 elements. A long long time ago, wars had been common between our two races, the Gony occuping the Ouest side of Japan while the Kiny, the Est. Bloodshed, hate, everything you can think of. Not even children were spared. Thank goodness weve passed that stage. But things arent perfect. No. I dont think theyl ever be. We arent allowed touching, taking or even looking at someone of the opposite race. The gouverment say its for our own protection but thats bullshit. What do they know. We arent the monsters we were years ago. The consequence for breaking the laws is the ultimate one: death. Ive always been looked down upon here in Tokyo. My parents died when I was about 4. My mother was the most splendid caring woman ever, she loved me so very much. My father was highly respected as being the top boxer in my region. There was only one problem...Mommy was Kiny and daddy Gony. They had been able to hide it for 5 years but the fucking gouvernment always finds out doesnt it. Anyways, back to my childhood. When I was 6, i was always picked on at school, people calling me a weirdo because of my natural purple hair. People here only have red, brown and blue hair. It wasnt until one day, while i was walking home from school, a kid from the other class showed up with his friends and attacked me. They pushed me to the ground and...im going to be sick just thinking about it, they kicked me until i coudnt move and started ripping my clothes off. I coudnt take it anymore. Why me. Why did MY parents have to die. why do I have to be the one whos bullied and picked on for my stupid hair colour. I should have just shaved it off and worn a wig. In that moment, i felt my heart unlock. Something in me....opened. Next thing i knew, all 4 boys's head were on the floor. And thats how i found out. I dont have the power to summon elements or shapeshift, i have power to kill. To use the wind as my own blade.

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