You can do this

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I follow the nurse inside. She seems almost robotical, must suck, having to do this as a job, calling people and walking back and forth. Thats what you get for working for the government, stupid bitch. Thank god they cant read ur minds, id be in jail by now. Doors. Hundreds of doors. The building appears even bigger on the inside. Makes me kinda dizzy. Finally, she stops. "Here we are miss, please head in the bathroom for the slimation process and go in the main room to find the representatives. Good luck." Before being straped to the lying detector machine, you have to dunk your head in this slimey nasty substance. I dont know what it is but it creeps me out. Apparently it strenghtens the signal of your brain waves and helps them determine the truth. Whatever, i head in the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. You can do this Kira. Youve done this 15 times. I grab the bucket full of slime, hold my breathe and my head in. Everything goes grey, not this again, here we go, another flashback. Im at the beach, daddy went to get me ice cream and mommy is sunbathing. I feel adventurous. I dont want to disturb mommy and decide to swim myself. 2 steps and wham, water pulls me in. Next thing im drowning, i feel alone, so alone, everything feels so...grey. I want to scream but i cant. Mommy. MOMMY. i plunge my head out of the strange goo. My body is super sensitive to feelings, scents and sounds. I get random flashbacks all the time. I really am a weirdo arent I. Sigh. Welp, time to meet my makers. I step out the bathroom and head for the main room. I open the door slowly, i feel a shiver go down my spine. The room is so dark. They trying to intimidate us or what? "Miss Kanigawa"
"Hm" I remember they take account every word. "Yes, thats me"
"Wheve heard many things about you, were so sorry you had to grow up with such monsters and not a normal family." I feel myself get red. Each year they have to mention my parents. Whos really the monsters here?
"Yeah. Thank you" muffled I
"Please, have a seat"
I sit down. One of the representatives, this old looking dude with wrinkly skin, gets the machine and hooks it on my head. Its so cold. Just 30 minutes. I can do this.
"Let's begin. Have you, or any one of your associates, been sneaking out to meet Kiny?"
"No." The machine beeps. Good sign. Means it affirms.
"Very well, what are your hobbies?"
"I box most of my free time, and study when i have to. I am very devoted to school and becoming a successful person. I draw at times, and sometimes even write stories."
"Interesting, tell us about these stories".
Shoot. I fucked up. I wasnt supposed to mention my writing. The things i write... I create worlds. One where everyone lives happily together. I cant tell them that. Id be executed!
"Well, I, I dont really write that of---

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