Deep web

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Jackie told me she wanted to show me something today. Something strange she found on the internet. She hasnt told me what its about. She sounded so excited when she was telling me to come over, as if shed found the cure to cancer. She does get excited pretty easily. Knock knock
No answer. Like usual. I go through her bush and take the extra key she leaves for me, knowing she tends not to hear the door. I take off my shoes and walk in. Ive been in this house uncountable times but never will it stop surprising me how big it is. I walk up to her room. Strange, its silent. Usually shes blasting music. I open the door slowly and she jumps out of her chair.
"Jeez Kira, you scared the life out of me."
I laugh. Its cute how easily frightened she gets.
"Anyways come sit next to me, ive got something youll want to see"
I grab a chair and sit next to her.
"Promise you wont be mad"
I nod.
"Theres this dude i met a couple days back, Bryan, very nerdy guy. Able to work himself around anything. Hes particularly talented with technology. Hes been doing some nerdy decoding shit and come upon something...interesting. They call it the deep web. A place the government arent aware of, people do...well...illegal things on it."
My eyes widen. Illegal. That term stops my heart from beating.
"What do you mean? Like what."
"Well, tons of things actually, there are chat rooms where people talk together, certain things sold and my recentest discovery, something called Giny. Youll have to see for yourself."
It appears to be a story. I start. The story starts out pretty good, even giving me some ideas. And then i read that phrase that one phrase. Everything comes to light. Giny...GonyxKiny. The lovers in the story of different races. I feel myself getting sick.
"Jackie! What the hell's wrong with you! If the government find out youve been reading about this stuff youd get executed, the web is strictly monitorized by the government, you know that. How can you read such vile things anyways, Gony and Kiny arent meant to be. They are total opposites, born solely to hate each other."
"But Kira its 100% safe I swear. And honestly, im starting to get a little hesitant about this whole hate thing. Whats it for, were the same people."
I cant believe this. This isnt the Jackie i know. The Jackie i know would never say such dangerous things. My Jackie is a good girl who follows all the rules. Whats up with her?
"I cant believe this from you Jackie. Im sorry...I have to go. This doesnt feel right"
"But kir--
And before i know it, im back in my bed. Tears stream down my eyes. Im scared. Scared for Jackie, scared for me. Why isnt the operation sooner, i cant stand 17 more days.

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