Lucky...or not.

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The door busts open. Behind it stands a tall boy with one of the most crazed looks I had ever seen. His eyes were twitching. I was frozen shut. Running, running, hes running I cant move. Hes coming straight at me. He grabs me forcefully and points a knife to my throat. In that moment, two security guards busted inside the room.
"Stop right there mr. Nagito. Put the girl down."
"Give me back my fucking sister! She didnt do anything wrong, hes the one who approached her. She didnt do anything"
"We can talk about this later mr.Nagito just please come back to ur room"
"Fuck this, I cant live in this rotten world anymore."
He takes the knife of my throat and points it to his, ending his life with one swift blow. Blood. That was the last thing i saw. Mommy. I see mommys hand. She reaching for me, im coming mommy. Before i know it, I'm in the hospital. See, i have an extreme fear of blood, just the slightest view of a drop is nauseating.  Seeing it all over my clothes, boy, I fainted on the spot. And honestly, I'm glad I did. I got to miss the exam and was inches away from being caught. I really do need to stop writing, but I cant help it. I cant tell everything to Jackie and keeping to myself would drive me insane. Writing is my release, my poetry, my joy. No one can take that away from me.
Knock knock
The door creaks open and Jackie walks in.
"Hey, I heard what happened, I'm so sorry"
"Don't worry about it, the days over and thats all that matters. Doctor says ill be out in 2 hours anyways, just need to regain my strength."
"As soon as youre better, im taking you out for some ice cream girl. You deserve a break. Ill be back in two hours, have a nice rest."
I dont want her to go. But i dont say anything.
If theres something I hate, other than blood of course, its solitude, the feeling of being alone, such a grey feeling. I close my eyes and attempt to sleep.

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