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How can you tell if someones a Gony or Kiny you may ask, without having to have them use their power, well, its pretty simple, each race has its own "marking". Upon the necks of everyone, you can either find the mark of the Gony or Kiny. Heres my drill, mines neither, i mean, it does look almost identical to the Gony one but it isnt. You can only notice if you look super close, there are 8 lines instead of 7. People just assume its a random sideaffect from being bred by 2 separate races. But its barely noticeable anyways so whatever. I hear the birds chipping outside, must be time to wake up. I get up and check the time. 8:40. Shoot! The exam is in 20 minutes Im going to be late! I put on an unclean nirvana shirt and some jeans i forgot i had that were in the corner of my room. Were supposed to look presentable for the exam but i cant risk being late. I grab my bag and rush out the house without eating anything. I can tell todays gonna suck. I feel it. The exam takes place in this huge hotel. They have u sit with 2 representatives of the government and interrogated. Lasts around 30 mins. Butterflies start in my stomach, or maybe im just hungry. I spot Jackie in the line. I run towards her, she dosent seem the least bit concerned. Wish i could be like that. I catch up with her on time. "Hey Kira, I dont know if its just me, but something feels different this year. Almost like a different at atmosphere. Maybe its just the stress since our operation is in 19 days. Thank goodness we were born on the same day"
She was right. Something was different, i just coudnt put my hand on it. Suddenly, a nurse comes out of the enormous building. "Kira Kanigawa". Thats me. Strange, usually its in alphabetical order, but whatever, the sooner i get it over with the better.

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