Chapter 6 - In The Real World

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Oklahoma, USA

When I reach my new apartment I realise it's more of a cottage. I walk up to the office and sign in. I walk past other cottages until I reach number 13. I hope my new neighbours won't notice me to much. I settle in my new cottage. I walk up a small set of stairs and onto a veranda surrounding the front of the cottage. I unlock the front door with my new set of keys the man at the office handed me. I enter the cottage and place my suitcase on the floor. The phone rings. I search my apartment for it. I find it next to a kitchen sink. I pick it up and answer, "Hi this is Hunter Watson".

"This is Stewart Morgan from the I.H.S.S office. I have called to see if you have arrived safely."

I talk to Stewart for about ten minutes. I hang the phone up and sigh. All while talking to Stewart, I learnt I will be going to a high school the angel might be going to, I'm going to be starting school in two days, I chose a vehicle (a motor bike) which will be delivered in the afternoon, and that the angel has a light skin tone. This doesn't really help since most people do.

I lie on my bed and rest from the long day. I wake up an hour later it's 3:45 in the morning and I don't know what to do. I take my envelope from my suit case and empty it on my bed. I look at the map of Oklahoma and spot my new high school. It is only about 5 km down the road. I walk around the apartment and watch some TV. After a few hours of boredom I check the time to find its ten am. I decide to go for a walk down the street and do some food shopping.

I grab some cash from the envelope and hide the envelope in a pillow case just in case something happens while I'm gone. I lock the door behind me and walk past some other cottages. I see someone planting something in their tiny garden at cottage number 4. I smile to the old lady when I walk past and she smiles back showing a toothy grin. I walk down the streets and feel the heat of the sun bearing down on me. I find a grocery shop five minutes up the street and enter. I sigh as the air-conditioned air cools my hot skin. I grab a shopping basket and fill it with pasta, meat, vegies, a couple potatoes, a bag of apples, salt, pepper, milk, bread, a dozen eggs and some butter. This should last a while. I wait in line until I'm served. I pay and carry the three bags of shopping with me. I walk out the shop back into the sun's rays. I walk back to my cottage and am happy to be able to rest my arms from carrying the shopping. I pack the food away and search my apartment for some kind of air conditioner. I finally find a small fan in a cupboard in the bedroom. I turn it on to three, the highest level and stand in front of it for a few seconds. I feel sweaty from my walk so I have a shower and freshen up.

I wait till twelve. I jump up when someone knocks on my door. I walk to the door and open it. There in front of me is a black motor bike with a helmet covered in flames. I look but no one is there. I notice a note stuck to the seat and pull it off. On it was written:

Hunter Watson,

Here is the vehicle of your request. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Yours sincerely,


I notice there was something stuck on the other side of the note. I pull of what looks like a fake I.D and a fake motor bike licence. Cool. Thanks I say aloud even though no one could probably here me. I pull the helmet on and hop on the bike. I ride around until I have learnt how to control and work the bike. I nearly went through the fence surrounding the cottages once but now I'm good at riding the bike. I put it in a shed type thing next to the cottage and go back inside. I don't want to annoy my neighbours and attract too much attention by riding my bike around the other cottages. I decide to make a sandwich for lunch and pull out the butter from the cupboard and lettuce, cheese and ham from the fridge. I make a sandwich and eat it all up. After the sandwich I was still hungry so I made another one. I sit down and think about tomorrow, I'll have to make my own lunch and learn subjects such as Maths, English and so on (I hope I'm good); Stewart told me it is a free dress school so I don't have to wear a uniform. Oh shit I need a bag. I jump up and grab my bike licence, I.D, some money and the change from shopping earlier on and anything else I thought I would need. I head out the door. I jump on my bike, put my helmet on and head down the street. When I get to a few shops that look like they have stuff, I park. I take my helmet of and check my pockets just in case something fell out. I walk into a shop and find a lot of cow-boyish type clothes. I find just a black back pack in a corner of the shop. I pick it up it is pretty cool something different than everything in the shop. Its twenty dollars, I go to the register and pay for it. It will have to do. I leave and chuck my new back pack on. I put on my helmet and ride back to my cottage. 

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