Chapter 7 - Sixteen

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Jessica Swan

My auntie isn't the strictest but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about my education. So it's my sixteenth birthday and I'm not allowed to miss a day of school. My alarm rings and I open my eyes, I blink letting my eyes adjust to the bright sunshine flickering and dancing on my walls coming from my windows in my bedroom. I get out of bed and stretch my legs and arms. My back is aching waiting for me to release my wings. I walk to my bathroom and splash my face. I'm awake now. I dry my face and stand straight. I look at my reflection as my wings expand from my back. My wings are as white as snow and as shiny as pearls, I notice how strong my wings are but how delicate they are as well. They are strong enough to lift myself and even another person up high in the air for a decent amount of time, but they are also delicate as one cut takes extra strength and time to heel and a broken wing could take a year or two! I bring them back in and my back isn't sore anymore because I stretched my wings. I look close enough to normal again. I grab a comb from my small cupboard under the sink and comb my naturally wavy red hair. I go back to my bedroom and grab some clothes. I grab a t-shirt, jumper and tight skinny jeans. After getting dressed I run down stairs and pick up the smell of bacon and eggs frying on the stove. I lick my suddenly dry lips and my tummy rumbles and my cheeks feel that weird tingly sensation just when they do when you open a packet of salt and vinegar chips. I hurry down the stairs hoping the cooking food is ready. I grab two plates and quickly set the table up to help my aunt Lucy out. I nearly dribble at the smell of bacon. "Good morning Lucy" I greet Lucy.

"Happy birthday," "What do you want for breaky this morning, honey?" she asks.

"Two eggs and some bacon please." I answer.

"Like always" she smiles.

I smile back and sit down. She serves it up and places it in front of me. I start eating straight away. "Hungry?'' I nod my mouth full of food so I couldn't speak. "So what do you think five star, four or three?" asks Lucy.

"Five" I answer and give her a thumbs up.

My aunt Lucy is the best cook except when it comes to toasting marshmallows (she always burns them). If she could she would probably start up a restaurant but she can't afford it. I hope someday she does so then everyone can taste how good her meals are.

"Can I have it now" I ask.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you have to wait till after school." She says with a smirk on her face.

"I know but I'm just so curious," "Is it big or small?" I ask.

"Big I guess," "that's all I'm telling you" she answers.

What birthday present could she be giving me that's big??? Hmm I wonder. I jump when the sound of the school bus horn going off waking me from my thoughts. I jump up and grab my lunch that is waiting for me on the kitchen bench and chuck it in my back pack that hung from the back of my chair. I pick it up and swing it over my shoulder. "Thanks for breakfast Lucy" I say before I walk out the door. I run to the bus and hop on. I walk down the idle ignoring everyone. So embarrassing. I search the seats for my seat. There are normally two seats left and I sit in them since I'm the last person to get on the bus, but today there was only one. Damn someone has taken my spot. I walk up to the seat and sit down next to the stranger. I take a mint out of my pocket and suck on it since I didn't have any time to brush my teeth and I grab my iPod and earphones from my bag before I zip it up and put my bag at my feet. I don't think I've met this person before but yet I might of. I wish the person would turn so I could see his (I could tell he was a boy because of his clothes but you can never be too sure) face. I sit down for the short journey and plug my earphones into my iPod. I put my earphones in my ears and listen to my playlist. Travelling always makes me tired and in a few seconds my eyelids draw too heavy to hold and I close my eyes and drift into sleep.

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