Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The next four days were horrible.

I didn't want to leave my office, but I didn't want to feel like garbage either, so I poured myself all over my work. I ignored the occasional knocks and calls from Dania or Raven to come join them for meals and I ignored the way Remi heated my ring so badly it burnt my finger and the scent of burning flesh still clung to the air. I couldn't bring myself to see anyone.

It wasn't that I was blaming them for my problems. I simply didn't want to unload my emotional baggage on them. It wasn't fair to them, and it certainly wasn't the time for it.

Castiel still did not give us any information on the wraiths, no matter how much Raven and Dania beat at him. Even with a busted lip and swollen eye and a missing moral, he managed to make jokes and snarky comments the entire time and it was incredibly frustrating. I had finally called them off Castiel and had him locked in one of the rooms so he couldn't escape.

I got ahead in my works, filing papers and doing reports. I found myself on my laptop more often, which was a big mistake. If anything was more addicting than alcohol, it was the Internet access I'd managed to snag with a little rewiring and magic. But most everything there was oddly depressing. People snarling at each other, despite never having met in person, news stories of death and destruction.

It was only when I managed to get on the Greek underworld server when things got a bit more interesting. I found several news articles about Ambrosius's brothers. The accomplishments they had made, the greatness they'd done in the past few years. Unfortunately, there wasn't a single mention of Ambrosius. The only thing I managed to find was a headline that announced his mother was pregnant with him, and yet, all the photos of Persephone showed no signs of her being pregnant.

Something felt so wrong about this.

I felt my ring heat up again and I rolled my eyes, thrusting my hand out and typing something into a search engine, letting Remi swirl out of my ring and appear beside me. He was still dressed in the same black parachute pants and this time, wearing a cropped long sleeved shirt that connected to his hands as fingerless gloves. He leaned on the desk, his dark hair falling over his cheeks as he studied the news article I had looked up.

"Why are you still bothering with the little prick, boss? I don't mean to shake up that can of rattlesnakes, but you were kinda rejected, remember?" He asked dryly. I didn't look at him as I scrolled through the articles, my eyes narrowed.

"He can kick me away as much as he wants. I'm not giving up."

"You're like an STD, boss."

"So we share something in common now, do we?"

"Embrasse mon tcheue." He replied with a sniff, standing up straight and folding his arms over his chest. I shook my head at him and returned to scrolling when Remi slammed his hand down on the table and pointed.

"Looky there!" He exclaimed. I scowled, following his gesture until I saw that a phone number had been listed at the bottom of one of the articles and right after it was the name, which happened to be Cerberus's. Cerberus, I wondered. The Cerberus? The three-headed beast of the underworld? What in God's name would a dog do with a cell phone number? It was an odd image, but it was something I could go on. I opened up my Skype connection and put the number in, watching little lines stray from the image of a phone as it rang.

"What're you gonna say when he picks up," Remi asked dryly, "Hi, how's it going, I wanna fuck your baby brother?" I shot Remi a warning glare and he held his hands up in defense, backing away before hopping up onto my desk to take a seat there. I gave up trying to tell him not to do that, because he did it anyway.

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