Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen:

Realistically, all physical wounds heal, like small abrasions upon skin

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Realistically, all physical wounds heal, like small abrasions upon skin.

But, nothing is worse than infected wounds from lack of proper care and medicine.

How can we as humans effectively heal, if we don't take precaution? Reaping bad repercussions. An infected wound, that leaves a nasty scar.

It's important to treat wounds, neglecting them can only cause it's state to worsen. My words are both literal and figurative.

Ultimately, disregarding your wounds is equivalent to holding thyself back from life.

Hurt people, hurt people.

Hurt people, revolve their life in the box gaged around the source of pain. Afraid to live, out of fear of someone turning the knife that had already been embedded deep into thy human body. Now, refusing to give chances when every moment you breathe the sparrow has mercy on your sinful soul.

How dare you?

Have audacity to live vicariously through your pain, afraid to actually wake up. Not allow yourself life that the sparrow gave you because now that wound has effected how you choose to live life, not living at all.

Your feet may step across ground with breath in thy body, but you are not alive.

Dead man walking, because you allowed your pain and the devil to use it against you. Now, all the words that utter from your mouth are those of routine.

You're a programmed vessel, speak when spoken to, lack of a soul, you have gone spiritually dead. Allowing your mind to be taken over by your pain because you chose to neglect it.

Thou shall not neglect an open wound.

Realistically, all physical wounds heal, like small abrasions upon skin.

But, nothing is worse than infected wounds from lack of proper care and medicine.

But, nothing is worse than infected wounds from lack of proper care and medicine

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