Friends or Foes

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Depa Billaba and her Padawan Caleb Dume were meditating in her personal quarters in the temple. Caleb had just moved into his cabin in the quarters as her Padawan a few weeks ago. They were both still adjusting to their new routine.

"Stay focused Padawan." Depa scolded as she sensed Caleb getting distracted.

"But master, I sense someone." Caleb responded.

"What are their intentions then?" Depa asked.

"It's one of the masters, and they want to talk to you. Something happened that Master Yoda and Windu called a council meeting." Caleb answered her.

"Indeed, Master Kenobi is on his way here. Never ignore others who approach you, but do not let them distract you either. See what their intentions are. Ask yourself if they are friend or foe, and if you recognize them. Watch them, but don't let their presence consume your concentration." She instructs him.

"Yes Master. I'll do my best." The Padawan replied.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"You may enter master Kenobi." Depa says calmly.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Kenobi asked finding the two sitting in a meditation position.

"Not at all. In fact your presence inspired Caleb's lesson today." She told the other master as she got up.

"Well then I'm glad I could help. I would love to stay and assist more if I could. Unfortunately, I'm here on less than happy news." Obi Wan said.

"Another council meeting?" Caleb said finally opening his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry Caleb but Master Billaba here will have to continue your training later." The older male replied.

"Caleb, while I'm gone I want you to stay here. Practice sensing others intentions and identifying them while you wait." Depa instructed.

"Well we must be off. Shall I escort you Master Billaba?" Obi Wan asked.

"You may, thank you Master Kenobi." Depa replied letting Obi Wan take her arm. The two walked off talking.

Caleb did as he was instructed for a while. He wrote each one down leaving the door open to check see if he was correct.

Anakin was rooming the temple hallways. Normally he would have taken the opportunity to fit in some extra training with Ahsoka, but since she left the order he didn't have anything to do during council meetings besides teaching ignitions. That was the last thing he wanted to do right now though.

He noticed Billaba's door was open as he approached it sparking his curiosity.

Caleb wrote down, Anakin Skywalker: looking for something to do. He looked up at the door just as Anakin appeared instead it.

"I was right!" Caleb exclaimed.

"What exactly are you right on? May I see?" Anakin asked.

"Master Billaba has me identifying people that pass by and sensing their intentions though the force. Are you really looking for something to do?" Caleb replied.

"I was. I think I found something now though." Anakin said taking Caleb's data pad and looking over the list.

"Oh, I didn't sense that." Caleb said a little disappointed.

"Your Caleb Dume right? Obi Wan told me your full of questions." Anakin asked.

"Yes, I am master Skywalker. Did you sense that, or did you just guess?" Caleb asked.

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