Chapter 6

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Life as a Stevenson
Chapter 6

Kayla's Point of View

When me and the girls get to the club we heard Specker Knockerz- Dance blaring through the speakers and you already know where we went...
So I'm dancing on Sevyn and Brittani while Honey was dancing on Heather and the spotlight comes on us while we gettin it and let me say Me and Honey was putting in work


Chris's Point of View

Me and the niggas pull up to the club and its hype asf.
When we walk in we see five fine ass girls on the dance floor
Then the spotlight goes on them and I see its Kayla and them on the dance floor and might i say got damn, only person i was really looking at was Kayla out of all the females in here she had me mesmerized.
I think the boys read my mind cause soon as I said that in my head them niggas day exactly what i was thinking...


After awhile the music stopped playing and they walk toward the bar so I decide to surprise Kayla

Kayla's Point of View

After me and the girls danced we got hella thirsty so we walked to the bar.

Bartender: what would you like beautiful?

My thoughts:
And let me say home boy was cute he was about 6'2, light skin, earring, and swag on point but I wasn't really into him..

Me: umm let me get peach circo on the rocks
Bartender: ight i gotchu beautiful

He turns to make my drink
As he was making my drink I feel hands go over my eyes...

???: Guess who?
Says in my ear
When the person said that I knew it was Chris but I was bout to mess with him..

Me: Ummm Trey?
Chris: Nahh
Me: Ummm ohhh I know umm Omari I know thats you nigga
Chris: No
Me: Ummmmmmm... I dont know

Chris turns me around

Chris: Its me
Me: Oh I knew it was you baby daddy I was just fucking wit you

I playfully push him

Chris: Your an ass
Me: Love you too boo

I kissed his cheek
Then turn to get my drink

Bartender: Here you go pretty lady

I smiled and start to get my wallet out

Me: Thanks how much?
Bartender: Its on the house
Me: Thanks

I turn back around and see Chris with a irritated look on his face that only I would notice

Me: Are you okay Chris?
Chris: Yeah I'm fine lets go to V.I.P
Me: Okay?

He then grabs my waist and we start walking to V.I.P.
When we get over there I already see Honey and them with Ty.

Me: Hey niggas!!!

I say hugging Trell and Red at the same time

Ty: ayee let me holla at you for a sec.
Me: Okay?

I walk over and sit on my brothers lap

Me: Whats good bro?
Ty: So, if I said someone real close to you liked you would you give them a chance
Me: Where is this coming from?
Ty: Answer the question
Me: I mean yeah depending on who it is
Ty: I mean it's someone real close
Me: Are you talking bout Chris?
Ty: Yeah was it that obvious
Me: Well I mean yeah you kept saying real close to me and Chris is the only one that is
Ty: True but don't tell him I talked to you about this he didn't tell me to come talk to you but yesterday we was talking and he was just curious if you liked him back
Me: Oh okay sure this can stay between us
Ty: Cool good looks sis

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