Chapter 7

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Life as a Stevenson
Continuation of the end of chapter 6:

Chris: Look all I'm really trying to say is that you mean the world to me and I was hoping that you and I could try a relationship out so, Kayla Marie Stevenson will you be my girlfriend?

I covered my mouth with tears of joy in my eyes threatening to come out as I looked into his eyes trying to get the words to come out as they finally did.

Me: Of course I will be your girlfriend Chris

With that being said he leaned in and kissed me with so much passion and love.
I felt the sparks and I'm not just saying it I really felt it and I'm so happy that he asked me to be his girlfriend.
We kiss for about a minute straight then pull away and I automatically touch my lips.

Me: Damn

I blushed as Chris smirks and chuckles at me

Chris: So baby mama

I smiled and laughed at him as I looked him in the eyes

Me: Yes?

Chris: You wanna go to the beach?
Me: Yeah sure

We get up from the table and we start walking to the car but then he runs up to me and picks me up bridal style as im walking making my heart stop.

Me: OH MY GOSH! You scared the mess outta me

I was holding my heart and looking him in the eyes as he's walking us to the car

Chris starts laughing

Chris: Sorry baby that shit was to funny your face was priceless

I pouted and looked at him

Me: Shut up
Chris: Aww babe... You mad... Or nahhhh
Me: Really?

I straight faced him as he starts to make faces at me as I tried not to laugh but I just start busting out laughing at him

Chris: I knew you wasn't mad at me

We was now at the car and we get in and he starts driving to the beach

At the beach...

When we get to the beach, we get out the car and we take our shoes off and started walking hand and hand through the sand and I look up while the wind was blowing in my hair and I see the sunset starting..

Chris: Baby?

I look him in the eyes while we're walking..

Me: Yeah bae?
Chris: I'm really glad that you said yes to me today
Me: Why wouldnt I say yes?
Chris: We been best-friends for a few years and I thought that us starting a relationship would ruin our friendship and-

I kissed him while the sunset was happening. he was talking way to much I mean come on why wouldnt I like him. He so nice and funny and loveable I mean come on who wouldn't like someone as great and wonderful as him?
After a while I pull away and look up into his eyes.

Me: Listen to me baby I know we been best-friends for along time and It's hard to start a relationship with your best friend because both are scared something would ruin it but we got this and I love you just as much as you love me and nothing is ever gonna ruin what we got

And with that we walk back to the car and drive to ty's house

At Ty's house....

We get there like 20 minutes later and we get out the car and walk in laughing because chris was in car making laugh like always and I guess my laugh is contagious so he was laughing too and I jumped on his back when he opened the door and we well he walked in with me on his back and we saw ty and honey on the couch cuddled up watching a movie.

Me: Awww you guys look so cute

Meanwhile I'm still slightly laughing
They looked up at me and chris and then smirked...

Me: What?

Then I noticed I was still on his back so I jumped down causing Chris to look down at me.

Chris: Baby why you get down?
Honey: BABY?!?!
Me: Yeah he asked me to be his girlfriend today and of course I said yes

I kissed him on the lips

Honey: Awwwww
Ty: Aye enough of that you still my baby sister

We stop kissing....

Me: My bad... But aye what we eating tonight ty
Ty: Why you asking me? You cooking
Me: No I'm not I made breakfast
Ty: But its your day
Me: No its not I always cook its your turn
Ty: No its yours

We start arguing then in unison say

Honey: You guys are a mess
Ty and me: SHUT UP HONEY

Ty and I look at eachother

Together: UGHHH

We sit on the couch at the same time then look at eachother again
We start having a staring contest like we did when we were younger...
Five minutes later we still staring at eachother

Chris: Okay baby just blink
Me: Hell to the no no no I'm going to win

Ty's eye starts twitching and then he blinks

I hop up and start dancing

Me: Hahaha chop chop big bro its almost dinner time

I smacked his chest playfully

Ty: Shut up kayla
Me: Ohhhh you saltyyy???
Honey: Yeah he salty...
Chris: Bae?
Me: Yeah baby?
Chris: Oh nothing I just wanted to say it. To be honest I could get used to that
Me: Oh can you?

I walk up to him and put my arms around his shoulders and he pulls me in closer to him and I look up in his eyes

Chris: Yeah I can
Me: you know I love you right?
Chris: yeah and I love you to

And when we was about to kiss I see a flash out the corner of my eye and I look and see honey taking pictures like really?

Honey: Awww that was so cute wifey
Me: Ohh i wanna see them

I attempt to let go of Chris but he pulls me back

Me: What?
Chris: Nothing why you trynna let go
Me: * pouts* Baby I just want to see the pictures.. Listen how bout this we can go to your house later and you can hold me as much as you want deal?
Chris: Deal..

With that he lets me go

Me: Thanks bae

And I look at the pictures and they were really cute
After that we eat what Ty cooked and then me and Chris leave Honey and Ty to do they thing and we head to Chris house...

Life as a StevensonWhere stories live. Discover now