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I was around eight or nine when I first got a Cabbage patch kids doll. It was a popular doll at the time and I had begged my parents to get it for my birthday. The doll had blonde hair in two ponytails, and a purple onsie. I remembered she had bright blue eyes too. I had named her Maggie.

As a child the doll was always in my grasp, on car rides, during breakfast, even whilst playing on the swings. There was not a chance I would be without her. In the summer I had no school so I would play with the doll even more.

One morning she was gone, every night I would put her in my wooden chair but she dissapeared. I told my mother that she wasn't anywhere but she just told me I had misplaced her. I knew for a fact that I did not. The rest of the week I spent worrying about her and looking everywhere to my bedroom closet to the backyard.

One night it was late and my mother wanted me to go to sleep early, like usual I obeyed and got ready for bed. My bedroom was completely dark and cold as I stepped in. I switched the light on. Maggie was sitting in my chair but this time she had been muddy and her hair was messy as if she got out of bed. Remember I was young so I didn't think of it. So I washed her in the bathtub. As I was doing her hair my mom walked in on me.

"Baby what are you doing?" She leans over my shoulder.

"Serena was in my room mom! And she was all muddy."

"W-What?" She suddenly took the doll from my grasp, confusion washed over me. My mother was studying the doll, giving it weird looks.

The next day was completely normal, until night. As I was getting ready for bed my room was freezing, it creeped me out a bit considering it was spring and I lived in the west. I shrugged it off, it was probably air conditioning malfunction. I set the doll on the chair and fell asleep.

Later I was awoken by the sound of children's laughing. The noise didn't exactly frighten me but piqued interest. I walked down the narrow hallway but the noise had stopped, it grew silent and eerie now. Thinking foolishly I decided to try to look for Maggie. She wasn't in any rooms, or in any bathrooms. But she was in the dining room. She was standing right up on both feet, as if someone was holding her up. Her dead glossy eyes stared into me like she was staring into my soul. I was frozen in fear, she was just staring at me. I knew she was a doll but she didn't have the joyful smile like earlier.

I started to gain control again, I turned my back and ran until I heard her say, "come play with me."

I stopped and turned slowly around. She was right in front of me, looking up at me with those hard eyes. My heart was racing out of my chest, I didn't think just acted. I ran away and straight to my parents room without bothering to knock.

My mother had disposed of it. She didn't like the feel of the doll either too and she actually believed my story which was surprising. I hadn't gotten a doll since then...

Spooky stories जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें