Ben drowned: The haunted game

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My story begun months ago, since then the events have left me scarred. It all started on a Saturday morning, It was like any other morning. My little sisters were watching morning cartoons accompanied by their bowls of porridge. I was sleeping in that is until the doorbell rang, my sisters were instructed to never open the door for anyone so me being the eldest didn't hesitate to open. I figured it would be a package or some annoying sales person, instead it was a small cardboard box. There were block letters that said 'OPEN'. I picked it up and brought it inside.

Something inside me told me not to open the box. Leave it alone. Throw it in the garbage and never look back. Unfortunatly my curiosity got the best of me. I should've listened to my gut.

I ripped the box open, I was surprised to see video game. Not just any video game but Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask.

I decided to take the game into my room and slip it into my gaming council. I was excited to play, It was an old game but I have never played this one before. When the starting menu appeared there were only continued games. The game I could only play was called BENDROWNED. Those words seemed to echo against my skull. The feeling in my gut was warning me and once again I ignored it. My controller started to heat up too but I ignored it. I walked through the game, completing missions and passing levels. What was odd about the game was the statues that kept appearing out of nowhere. The statues were named 'BEN' and it possessed a disturbing face. It's eyes bore into my soul, its smile was eerie and his teeth were sharper than any human. It was as if it was alive. There were multiple disturbing glitches, like Links body being disorped. Another creepy aspect of the game was the music, it was almost as if it was played backwards multiple times. Then one day it all came to life.

One night after playing I decided to catch up on some sleep. The game had been consuming me. It was beginning to distance me from friends and family. Even my academic studies. I would stay in my room all day and just play. Something about the game made me leave reality.I laid down on my bed, staring at my ceiling. That is until I heard a small manical laugh. I instantly shot up, looking around my surroundings. It was too dark to see anything, my eyes had not fully adjusted to it. It begun to grow silent again but I started to feel panic bubble inside my chest. Something else was going to happen. That's when I heard the laugh again. Me being an idiot decided to go down stairs and check it out. It was so dark the only light in the house was from the moon that shone through the window glass. I walked around my living room, not a soul was in sight. I thought to myself, It must be my little sisters playing games or getting a glass of water. So I made my way towards my kitichen. That's when my heart stopped. A figure stood on my dinning table. I knew for a fact who it was. It was that statue from the game.

I stood there for a solid thirty seconds in horror. My thoughts ran wild. I was going to run back to my parents room, yelling and screaming that there is something in the house. That is until a pair of yellow eyes opened on his face. A massive wave of nauseau and dread hit me like a wall.

"YOU'VE MET WITH A TERRIBLE FATE, HAVEN'T YOU?" Ben said, his voice sounding like knives against a chalk board. His eyes turned ebony and looked completely empty, and his mouth. God, his mouth was awful, he curled his lips into a sinister smile. I freaked out and ran straight back into my bed room. I kept the lights on the whole night. Nothing else happened that night.

The next few days were the same, the eerie noises from downstairs continued. I refused to go downstairs at night. It crossed my mind that maybe I should tell my parents about the sounds at night. Maybe they would experience it themselves. Then again my parents were not always the nicest people, they would probably think I was a raging lunatic and put me in the nut hose. I have been isolating myself a lot which doesn't help the situation. I decided to ignore it. That is until Ben decided not to be ignored.

One night I was sleeping on the couch, I had fallen asleep from watching a long movie. I didn't realize how long I was asleep for. I woke up from another strange noise, except this time it sounded like music. Like backwards music. It was the healing song from the game. I instantly shot up from the couch. The noise was almost soothing, and so soothing that it put me in a trance. My legs started to move without my knowledge, towards the backdoor. My back yard lead to the forest, usually we were advised to not go into the forest at night. It was dark, full of wild animals, and unsafe for a human. Before I knew it I was outside looking at the forest, the darkness void. Usually it was lovely during the day but at night...It was something else. The music kept playing and playing, I couldn't help myself and followed the sound of it. I entered the forest, It was rigid and still as if time didn't exist. With every step I took the sound of music became closer.

Suddenly the music stops, everything becomes real again. Panic starts to bubble in my chest, my arms getting goosebumps and my mind endlessly screaming about possibilities of what will happen. I stand there for what seems like hours until I see him. I see Ben. Ben was standing just a few feet away from me. This Ben seemed different. Less demon-like and more human.

"The game." He said in a normal boyish voice. It was less frightening.

I hesitated. "What about it."

"You need to get rid of it before he kills you."

"He?" I ask.

Ben inched forward, his eyes looked sincere and extremely blue. "Ben Drowned." He says in a whisper then disappeared.

After that I got rid of the game. I didn't throw it away, or give it to a charity. I did not want anyone else to experience what i did. The horror it put me through was awful. Instead I threw it in a pond. So nobody would be able to find or play this horrible game again. The game drowned.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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