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I was laying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling whilst listening to my records on repeat. It was mid-afternoon on a sunny day, my parents weren't home. 

My phone vibrated on the table. I reached out for my phone, staring at the screen. I had a message form an unknown number. It read;

'I love records...'

I furrowed my brows in confusion, my eyes rapidly moved around my room. I looked down and started to text back.

'Who is this? And how do you know about my records?'

'I don't have a name anymore. I just like your records. I used to listen to them before I left.'

'What do you men you don't have a name? Everyone has a name.'

'No. I used to have a name.'

'Okay well I have no idea how you know about my records, so please stop texting me.'

'No can do.'


'Fine. the reason I started texting you is to warn you about the basement. Please don't go down there.'

This piqued my interest. My eyes wavered around the room. Wondering what exactly is down there, what is this person hiding? Are they down there? Or something worse?

'What's down there?'


'You say nothing but make a big deal out of it?!'

'I'm trying to help you. Do not go down into that basement. You'll regret it...'

'I'm going.'

'WHAT? I said don't!'

I ignored the texts and slowly peered down the hall. If you didn't know we just moved into this house. It's a very old house so I was expecting creepy things to occur, maybe ghosts or maybe just some eerie creaking noises. That's normal for old houses. I was grasping my phone tightly, but I could multiple vibrations against my skin. I glanced at the messages. The messages read all from the same unknown person, saying;

'Please don't.'

'I'm being serious, this isn't a joke!'

'It will find you!'

The last message gave me the chills, I started to reply once again. Dreading it almost. This person was either a stalker or just a kid messing around with me for fun. Either way it was still annoying.

'What are you talking about? Nobody is down there. The house has been off the market since the eighties.'

'Exactly. Do you even know why they closed it for so long? Why no one has owned the house?'

'No. Tell me.'

'The last people who owned the house were murdered.'


'It's a mystery, but It happened in the basement. The bodies were almost unknown because they were torn apart so badly. So that's why you can't go. They never found out who did it.'

'Doesn't mean that thing is still in the house.'


'This is stupid. I don't even know you but I'm going down there to prove your wrong.'

Each step I took towards the door, my heart raced so hard that my ears were pounding, my skin moistened and my hands trembling ever so slightly. Maybe they were right. Maybe I should just leave it alone, but this is my house! I need to be available to feel some sort of safety in here. I worked up all the courage in me and opened the door, ignoring the eerie creaks. A flight of wooden stairs awaited for me, and so did a darkened room. My phone kept vibrating again and again. My feet felt heavy as I stepped down from each stair to another. As i reached the bottom the room was pitch black, no trace of sunlight anywhere. Luckily I wad able to find a light switch, it didn't do much for the room. Still dim. 

There was absolutely nothing hazardous or murderous about the basement. Nothing but a bunch of dusty old cardboard boxes, wooden trunk of toys and an endless amount of junk. I chuckle to myself. What a relief! My phone was still vibrating in my pocket, I slipped it out and examined the screen. Numerous messaged read of warnings and capitalized letters of panic. What caught my eye was the most recent message, twenty-two seconds ago. It read;

'I can see you.'

Quickly I turn around, too late.

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