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This all started when I was six years old, my dad had just left our family and it was just my mom, big sis, and I. At the time my mom was struggling with money. Our family was constantly fighting.

One day I noticed a girl moved to our neighborhood.

At the time it was summer, I was sitting outside my house laying down on a silk blanket. The sun was burning my skin and I was about to gather my things then leave until she approached me. Her golden hair hang in ringlets, and she wore a soft pink dress, and her eyes were the darkest shade of brown I had ever seen.

"Hello." She said. I sat up from my blanket.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"My name is Abby. Do you want to be friends?" She smiles at me.

"Sure! Come on let's go to my room!" I peek off the blanket and grab her hand. We both ran off into my house.

I remember always being with her. Abby and I would tell each other scary ghost stories, make forts out of old mattress sheets, and have tea parties with stuffed animals. I remember having so much fun with her that summer.

When school started rolling up she seemed to..not be around anymore. Like I never saw her at school only outside my house. I don't remember ever meeting her parents or going into her house. It was as if she lived under a park bench.

I remember asking my mom for Abby. But she didn't understand who Abby was.

"Mom! You know Abby she has blonde hair and missing teeth!" I whined at her.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and her mouth turned into a frown. "Honey are you talking about your imaginary friend?"

"She's real!"

"Okay hon." She shrugged me off.

Months later I was back in school. At this time I was eight or nine. Then I met her once again. This time she wasn't in my yard or hanging around in my room. This time she was in the bathroom, staring at herself as if she was studying herself. When I entered the room she didn't seem to noticed my presence.

"Abby?" My voice squeaked out.

Her eyes focused on mine instead then she quickly turned around, the hem of her dress twirled with her.

"W-What's wrong?" I stuttered, feeling a little nervous and uneasy.

"I have to go." Her voice wavers.

"Your moving?!"

"Something like that. They're letting me into the light now. They say it's full of trees, oceans and pretty animals."

"So wait your moving to the light? What's does that even mean?"

At the time I felt very confused. The light, it didn't make much sense to me at the time.

"It means we won't see each other again, but I'll always remember you." She smiles up at me, revealing her missing front teeth.

"You'll always be my best friend."

"So will you. I'll see you soon." She smiles at me, and suddenly turns her body the opposite way. It looks as if her body evaporated in thin air, and just like that she was gone.

Years and years later the thought irked me. I used my laptop in my room and searched tragedies in my area. The results were quite shocking. A little girl by the name of Abigail Sherwood was found dead in the park, the police said it was because she swallowed a rock but some said somebody shoved them down her throat. She didn't get along with kids very well, they picked on her a lot. That's what I learned from my friend, my dead friend...

Spooky stories जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें