Chapter 5 : the dates (part 2)

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Nicole's Pov

I was driving in my car to James's house and then I finally got there . I walked up to his door and knocked on it waiting for it to open . I looked at the ground at the front of the door thinking of how sorry I feel for Niall. Then finally I heard a click of the door lock and the door slowly opening. I looked up and smiled and said 'hey James', he smiled and said 'hey Nicki ' . I slowly walked in and was surprised it was so tidy . We walked through into his living room and sat there in awkward silence . I don't like awkward silence because i never know what to say .

The he started of ' so do you want to watch a movie ' . I smiled and then said 'yeah sure , lets watch a horror movie ' . He smiled back and said 'yeah sure how about we watch the conjuring' , 'sounds great ' I said .

He got the movie and put it on . Through parts of the movie I got scared and hid my face in his chest because sometimes I didn't take scary movies easily . After the movie finished we instantly realised that we were cuddling into each other and broke apart . The rest of the day we watched more movies and talked about some stuff but at one point when we were talking I just remembered at the beach he was going to tell me something. so asked him .

Flash Back To Convo

'Hey James when we went to the beach ?' I asked.

'Yeah ' he said , ' Well I just remembered you were saying something to me but then got cut off by Louis , so what was it that you were going to tell me ?' i asked him . ' Uhmm I .. I was just... going to ... Actually never mind it's not important ' he stuttering in his words . ' Uhm ok ' was all I could say .

James's Pov (still on Flash back )

Omg why did I just stutter I should have just told her that I really like her but instead I said it wasn't important and how embarrassing she just said 'Uhm ok' straight after I said it she probably thinks I'm a weirdo now . Ugh why did I need to do that !!

Flash Back Of Convo Finished

Amy's Pov

I left my house a while ago to go to Harry's house and now I'm here at his house I've been here for a while we baked brownies and watched a couple of comedy movies . The thing was when I entered the house and Harry give me a tour around the house but when we Harry opened Niall's room door all you saw was Niall sitting there on his bed watching movies , while eating and looking lonely. ( Oh i forgot to say the boys are staying in this massive house together just for break) I felt sorry for Niall but the thing was its just gotta be that way because its choosing between her biggest crush she's had for ages or a guy she had a massive connection with just by sight. But back to me and Harry , we had loads of fun laughing at comedies and joking around. the Harry asks me ' Amy you know when me and the boys go back on tour ?' . I nod and say ' yeah what about it ? ' I asked .' we'll Amy I know we just only met yesterday but we get along so well and I really like you , so I was wondering do you and Nicki want to come on tour with me and the boys ? ' an at that point I jump up and down in excitement and said 'omg yes I'll text her later and tell her you asked ' . Then suddenly I thought ' hey Hazza what about Catalina? ' I asked .Then he said ' I was thinking her boyfriend Aaron would probably want her with him so its best not because its very long and we don't want her away from her boyfriend that long ' . I then thought and yeah it was true she wouldn't want to be away from her boyfriend too long to its best not . I then said ' yeah your right ' I smiled and thanked him again for asking me and Nicole to go on tour with them.

Catalina's Pov

I had a usual day at my boyfriends house just chilling out talking about how jealous James looked at the beach when he saw Nicole with Niall. But I don't blame him everyone gets jealous when they see there crush with someone else. yeah so me and Aaron had our usual movie marathons and joked around , I just new he was the one he was such a caring boyfriend that will do anything to keep me safe and with him while we were talking we got board and played games on his Xbox which made the day better .After a couple of games it got late so I went home and said ill text him and kissed him goodbye .

Amy's Pov

After a couple of tv shows and conversations I went home and said ill talk to him later. I had a brilliant day with him and I'm starting to really like him . I took the ride home all happy and couldn't wait to text Nicole about the tour .

Nicole's Pov

After we finished watching our movies and our awkward convo's I left and said goodbye and James kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye . On the car ride home I was driving and all relaxed until "CRASH" and then at that point old memories come and everything goes pitch black .

Authors note : tell me what you peeps think of this new chapter and vote if u like it tell me whenever you want an update sorry its late xx love u guys

~Nicole xx

Reaching for herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora