Chapter 3

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        "So i hope you remember class, that we have our school parliament elections this month 31st . So all those who are intrested are to hand in their names to Miss Bridgit by today or tomorrow. The various posts are.....",Mr. Finn drawled on in the midst of our english class. Not in midst of the english class really, he wouldn't give up his time of teaching for any 'worthless stuff', as he said. I was more focused in digging out my earphones from the backpocket of my shorts and plugging it into my phone than listen to his ramble. I needed to be updated on new music that buzzed around the fan-girls over here. They would kill to have a real life look at Harry Styles(hope im right), or Justin Beieber which is again totally unlike me but i needed to know all this. I can't have them doubting me.

   I saw Violet, the blonde sitting next to me mouthing a few words.
I removed the ear plugs and said,"Sorry i was distracted. Care repeating what you just said?"

"I was saying that you ought to stand up for the school captain post."

I just kinda stared at her and said,"Umm...I guess im the wrong person for that. You better ask Amanda".

"No not Amanda. We can't have bitches taking captaincy over the school".

I chuckelled, wondering if i had heard right. Maybe the earplugs had dysfunctioned my ears by their frequency. "You do realise that im Amanda's friend and i can tell her, right?", i asked with a fake grin.

"Oh trust me babe, i know all the populars of this fricking school and know this that i CARE TWO HOOTS about this so worshipped Amanda."

Her saying worship made me visualize Amanda as a goddess with candles lit before her. As Jay would say, Happy thoughts Sam happy thoughts.

I starting to like this girl said,"I'll think about it".

She smiled at me and went back to doodling on the corner of her notebook. Her words revised themselves over and over in my mind. School captaincy... I didn't want power....but i could use it, couldn't I?

The shrill bell interrupted my thoughts and as i was heading out of the class with my mind occupied, i bumped into someone. I fell on my back and an,"Ow", left my lips. The person i bumped into too was on the floor. I glanced at him to say sorry but he was groping about on the floor for something. Before i could utter a word i saw his pair of green eyes looking at me worriedly and said," Do you see my glasses anywhere. If you do please hand them over to me". I tried looking for the glasses after everyone left the class. I saw them under the front row and quickly handed it over to him.

He stood up wearing them. I noticed that i had never noticed him before. He looked like a nerd. A cute nerd. I attempted to say a sorry but he opened his mouth before i could and mumbled,"Sorry", with a blush and hurried away. If i wasn't so confused at why he had apologized to me while it was my fault, i would have found his blush cute like him too.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked on to the cafeteria whistling a tune winking at Shane who was looking at me with longing. Well at least hot bad boys acknowledged me.


  I munched an apple listening to Amanda chatter on about how she always aspired of being a school leader. 'Aspired of helping others'(read aspired of bullying others.)

I swalloed the last bit bit of the crunchy apple and after wiping away it's juice, i cleared my throat as to have everyone's attention on me.

"I would like to stand for the school captain post too". Oh well there. I dropped the bomb!  I saw Amanda's hazel orbs widening. Back off , they said.

"Oooh... We will have two members in our gang participating!",Becky squealed.

"We will not!",Amanda's annoyed voice made sure that Becky stayed shut for the rest of the period.

"Why not? If she wants to stand for the post let her. Let all the students decide on whom to vote for.", Cameron said.

Justin backed him saying,"Yes. It's gonna be fun to see who is the best one".

Mel, Justin's girlfriend and one of the only girl i saw as a friend in this gang cheered," Go for it girls!"

"Fine",said Amanda relucance lacing her voice.

I just looked at her and as always ahe covered up her expression with a smile.

I started talking as in an attempt to change the topic, of course. "Guys so whatcha doing this evening?", i asked them.

"Go and teach that bitch Ashley a lesson", Amanda replied venom in her words. "Right girls?",she asked  Tiffany and Nicole. They nodded fervently.

"Ummm...Why is Ashley being taught a lesson?", i asked wary to not give the game away.

"I saw that brat talking with Alec against my orders. My Alec!".

Poor Ashley. It wasn't her fault that Alec came and talked to her. Alec the bad boy of our school completly adores her and not just physically. It's evident in his voice. They would make such a cute pair. Just like all those bad boy good girl stories in wattpad.
I mentally shook my head to make those thoughts disappear. No! Im a bitch here. No way am i going soft. Im the bold popular that everyone is in awe of.

"But it isn't really her fault. I saw Alec going over to speak to her. So honestly speaking, isn't it Alec's fault?", Mel asked.

Amanda glared at her and was going to say something but i went ahead and said," I agree Mel".

Amanda snickered. "Well if you are that concerned about that ass, just win the school captain title. Then i swear that i will give up bullying her".

I widened my eyes. If i just won that title, Ashley would be relieved of all this. Not that i cared for her...but...still..

"Im in for it", i said before i could stop myself.

Amanda smirked and said,"Are you turning into a good girl, Samantha?".

I just answered back as calmly,"No way. Im always a bad girl. Just felt that 'teasing' Ashley without a reason is useless. Im a badass. Don't you dare forget that!",i warned with a smirk.

"Nope won't forget that my bad girl",answered Cameron with a chuckle. I gave a slap on the back of his head, chuckling and internally groaning on what i had just done.


Yaaay!!! Finally a chapter that exceeds 1000 words :D

Well i sucked at the Math exam i had today. Im still in wattpad writing coz i got english exam. I just love that subject.
Well leave that.

How's Samantha? What do you think is her problem? I would love to see your thoughts in the comments.
And i have our nerd green eyes :) i  love green eyes <3

Thats all.
Keep reading.

Covote if the chapter deserves it:D

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