Chapter 4

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                "You know that you have serious competetion against you, don't you?", Mel asked me as we both walked to the cafe just like 100 metres from our school. It sold the best of the best coffees. With cream on top and all that, it just makes my mouth water thinking of it. Usually i go there alone or with the whole gang. As i said, i don't have a real best friend. But today Mel just said that she wants to tag alone and i didn't really want to stop her either. I could get used to having a friend not a 'friend'*.

        I sighed and said,"Yes i know. I shouldn't have stood up for this at all. I don't know why i did this".

"It's good that you did that. I personally am not thrilled about the idea of Amanda being the school captain. She already bosses people about..if this is added up....",she left her sentence hanging.

I chuckled and said, "Aren't we bitching about our friend?"

She gave me a sheepish grin along with a blush and said," Oh no not bitching..... I was know.OK! Fine! Maybe im bitching about her but she is such an ass at times that i feel....." She continued in a quiet voice," She wasn't like this before....She has changed and i don't even know why".

I was getting confused. I didn't know Amanda as well as Mel did because i came to this school just 2 years ago.

She saw me looking lost and said," Oh you don't know do you?". She was going to say more when she suddenly stopped and looked all around. "Oh shit! We missed the cafe".

I turned around to look and saw that we had already walked past it and was now standing a few blocks away from there.
We traced back our steps and went in opening the door of the cafe which had a handle shaped as a coffee mug. As soon as i stepped into the cafe, the delicious smell of coffee and cakes that swayed in the air hit our nostrils.

I sniffed out loud, which earned me a look from a passing ginger-head and said"Heavenly".

Mel too enthiced to speak just nodded her head.

We went and sat down at the table which was adjacent to the open library the cafe had. Yes this cafe even had a library. I wished i could snuggle up in one of those cozy bean bags with a good book and coffee. But i couldn't and won't do that. I had my reasons.

I looked around and saw that the place had had it's interiors changed. On the coffee brown wallpapers there were small small hearts and all pasted. Personally it didn't look that good but whatever i still loved the place.

"Umm....Sam are you not gonna order anything?", Mel asked me with a eyebrow raised. Great i have been zoning out  too much just as always. Way to go Sam!  I blushed a crimson and muttered," I'll just have the usual", i told to Amy, the waitress. "Oh and a slice of blueberry cake with vanilla ice-cream too", i added.

"Blueberry cake with vanilla ice cream? Sounds deliiiiiiiiiiiiicious",she drawled.

I grinned at her and said," Tastes delicious too".

She smiled and looked towards all the books next to us. "Woah! There is that copy of Dan Brown's Da Vin ci code. I never seem to get it. Im gonna borrow that",she said with a sparkle in her eye.

I was amazed. She read? I voiced out my thoughts. "You read?"

She chuckled and said. "Of course. Im literate".

I gave her a flat look.

"Ok ok.. I get you. Yes i do read. I love reading",she smiled.

So she reads.....

"Why? You don't read?", she asked breaking me from trance.

I used  to Mel, used too.....

"Oh you don't? But you should! It's one of the best things ever", she said taking my silence for a no.

Only if you knew........

I just smiled and said,"I will try", and thankfully our coffe came at the exact moment along with the mouth-relishing cake. Yummmm....

"Woooooow!",Mel gasped at the sight of the cake.

"I know right",i said grinning.

"Come on, i can't wait".

I smirked and cut the slice into two, passing a piece over to Mel who looked at the cake with lust.

I waited to take my bite until she took her first one just so that i could see her reaction.

Two things happened when she took her first bite of the blueberry cake topped with the vanilla ice cream. One, she squuezed her eyes shut and two, she moaned. She moaned so loud that the boys at the table opposite to ours looked over smirking. One even winked at me and i glared down at him making him smirk and look away.

"Wow! This is the best thing i have tasted ever! Honestly!", Mel complimented.

My chest swelled with prode as if i had baked the cake. I grinned idiotically and couldn't stop myself from saying," I know right".

She rolled her eyes but smiles neverthless.

I felt something warm creep in me when she did that. I haven't had a best friend.......i was popular, beautiful and had all boys at my feet but not a friend. I had a feeling that i would have one soon.

As we stood up to leave, i saw someone at the counter. Someone familiar.

I went over to him and said,"Hey".

He glanced at me and immediately his green eyes showed worry and surprise in them. He mumbled an "Hey" back.

He looked uncomfortable so i just went and said what i wanted to from the very start.
"Look. I just wanted to say a sorry to you for bumping into you earlier. I don't know why you apologized but anyways sorry".
I immediately saw relief in his eyes and i smiled at him before walking away towards Mel.

"Let's go", i said.

"You know him?".

"Whom?", i followed her gaze and saw that she was indicating to the nerd who was leaving the cafe now. "Oh i don't who he is but i had bumped into him earlier so i just went over to say sorry",i said nonchantly.

"He is Tyler Black. Brother to Amanda.


Hey guys! Why do you think popular Amanda's brother is a nerd??? Just comment below. So how is life? :)

Well  i have nothing much to say except that im new at this and honestly sorry for all the mistakes. Just encourage me with some comments and vote.

So covote if you think the chapter deserves it :)

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