Chapter 5

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This my Mel. Hope you guys like her :)


                   I gaped at Mel in shock. I think i even had my mouth open. I hated when i did that. I looked like a fricking dead goldfish. Dead goldfish? Creativity Sam creativity.
            "I thought you knew seeing your in our gang", she said as we exited the cafe, with me shivering in the sudden change of temprature from warm heater air in the cafe to the cold breeze here outside.

I shook my head. After all our conversations were limited. At least mine were. Though i hang out with these guys, im always in a zone out mode.

Mel sighed and said," You never indulge in any conversations. I thought you were just quiet. That is the prime reason that i came with you today. To bring you out of your shell. But it seems that you are just not listening to anything we say".

I gave her a sheepish grin and mumbled," oh well....Your conversations are kinda boring at times...", i said trailing off

Mel looked a bit hurt and said," Was today boring, then?"

I widened my eyes and quickly shook my head," No Mel. Didn't you see me today! I was practically eating you alive with all that i had to say. No i really enjoyed spenting time with you. I was even wondering if this could be a daily know!",i said looking a bit pink.

I saw her blue orbs widen in surprise and i felt disappointed. I continued," i understand if you don't want to. I know that im pretty bad company and----", i was cut off by her sudden squeal.

" No idiot. I would love to".

I grinned at her as i felt warmth spreading inside me.

We continued our walk and i was about to ask her about why i never knew that Amanda had a brother but i couldn't because we were suddenly stopped by two boys.

"Whoa! What a surprise. Seeing two of the the most beautiful ladies of school. Guess it is my lucky day", Zach said clearly flirting.

Mel wore a bored expression along with a frown. She had a boyfriend after all.

"Hey Zach. Hai Shane", i greeted both the boys with a wide smile.

"So you going to Michael's place tonight?", Shane inquired.

I racked my brains on what they were saying when i heard Mel say,"Oh! I almost forgot that. Yes we are going to the party and don't ask me im going with Justin",she said before both of them could even ask her.

"Oh my lord! Your kidding ne", i said disbelief lacing my voice. You see i never forgot parties. Never.

Shane smirked and said,"Oh well. Your coming. With me".

I just looked at him and replied twirling a piece of my black hair," Pick me from my place at 8:00".

He smirked wider and shouted before walking off with Zach," See ya at 8:00, princess".

I was about to squeal ,'I have not even chosen my dress!', when Mel cut  me to it.

"I get it. You forgot about the party".

I nodded biting my bottom lip.

"Well then what are you waiting for, princess? You have got a prince to impress",Mel smirked at me.

I smirked back and replied,"You got me girl".


   7:30pm. 30 minutes left for Shane to pick me up. My hair is still wet. My house had a sudden urge to have a power cut. Boing! I have no dryer.

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