Chapter 1

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Suzy breathed out the crisp, winter's air, her breath forming a white cloud. A dying elephant, who's body was trapped underneath a sheet of ice in a 3cm deep puddle, rasped, "THE AIR THAT YOU EXHALE CONTAINS HYRODGEN OXIDE, OR THE CHEMICAL FORMULA H2O (TWO HYDROGEN ATOMS, ONE OXYGEN ATOM),MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS WATER, THE LIQUID WHICH SUSTAINS ALL LIFE ON EARTH AND THE SOLID IN WHICH I AM CURRENTLY VEGETATING IN. WHEN YOU EXHALE, THE WATER REACTS WITH-" Edmond passed out due to a lack of blood circulating in his body.

Suzy shivered, and walked in the dead of the night towards Danny's house. She hastily pulled her thin, pink cardigan closer to her chest, wishing she could get there sooner. When they were busy sexting, Danny said that his 'parents weren't home ;)' which came as no surprise, as his mother was most likely dead in Bern, the capital of Switzerland whilst his father was probably pole dancing for his own pleasure. She wondered why tonight, of all nights, Danny was inviting her. Nevertheless, the 4 year old lamb was looking forward to it.

Whilst on the way, she passed the family-friendly place, 'Daddy Dog's club for naughty sailors'. She decided to pay Danny's father a visit, to make a great first impression to show that she was good enough for his son. Taking a deep breath, she burst through the already-broken doors.

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